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170 views 2 comments
by anonymous

i just updated our RUT955 to the newest firmware and find out that the call mobile_info

is missing. Is this a bug? Or did you move the information somewhere else? Changelog had no informations about this change.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Depending on the firmware you had before, the structure of ubus calls might have changed.

Regarding the information, which was provided by mobile_info, you can try getting it with other calls. In general, to list all available ubus objects, simply enter command:

  • ubus list

To filter specific services, the following can be used:

  • ubus list*

The list of objects and associated procedures with their arguments can be found with -v option and list command:

  • ubus -v list

This indeed does not list any mobile_info method, but you can check the following services:

  • ubus -v list gsm
  • ubus -v list gsm.modem0
  • ubus call network.device status '{"name":"wwan0"}'
  • ubus call network.interface.mob1s1a1 status

Best regards,

by anonymous

yes i know that i can search elsewhere for the information, but why the remove the call in the first place?
Did't communicate the change and did given any point where to find the data now. Its just crazy !!! They generate unnecessary work on the customer side. Unfortunately I have to update the firmware because the modem hangs again and again
by anonymous

Apologies for the inconveniences this change has caused you.

In general ubus changes were made to create a more portable and unified call structure across different device families. This makes it more modular, helps improve general firmware testing, improves device performance, makes it more available for usage by other services, daemons, API and makes router less prone to various issues.

Best regards,