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by anonymous
Ich benutze eine Panoramas Antenne mit 4 LTE Connectoren. Auf dem Router sind alle LTE Anschlüsse nur mit Mobile beschriftet. Bei der Panoramas Antenne sind die Anschlüsse mit Cell A, Cell B, Cell C, und Cell D gekennzeichnet. Spielt es eine Rolle wie die Anschlüsse angeschlossen werden? Oder ist das egal? Fuer Antworten wäre ich dankbar. Lg Sigi
by anonymous
Hallo Sigi!

Wäre evetuell hilfreich zu wissen um welchen Router es sich handelt.



1 Answer

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by anonymous

Your question appears to be incomplete. Please provide a description of your issue.

Best regards,
by anonymous
Als Router ist der teltonika rutx50 im Einsatz
by anonymous

In general, it is best to have both all antennas attached to the router.

However, to have a better understanding the purpose of each channel, the most important ones are most left and most right antenna connectors, as these are primary receive/transmit channels for all supported frequency bands. Signals from the middle two connectors are for MIMO and diversity purposes and in diversity context signals coming from the middle antennas can often be neglected, meaning that only two connectors, on the device's left and right, are enough to establish data connection.

For more details you can refer to this thread.

Best regards,

by anonymous
The Panoramas Antenna has 4 Connectors signed Cell A, Cell B, Cell C and Cell D.

The Connectors at the Router wäre Not Signed. Each Connectors is signed mobile
by anonymous
Hallo Sigi!

Die beiden äusseren Anschlüsse sind die primären,
die beiden inneren nur für MIMO (der mittlere ist
offensichtlich GPS).

Wie das bei der Antenne ist - da muss es eine
Beschreibung geben - oder sie posten den Typ
und ich poliere inzwischen meine Glaskugel...
by anonymous

I do not know the specific antenna you have in mind, but a similar question, involving panorama antennas with connector markings, has been asked before. Please check here if it does match your case.

Best regards,

by anonymous

Hi Sigi,

Reading your PM you seem to have an LGMDM4-6-60-24-58 antenna .

According to the installation instructions located here I think the correct
order of the antenna plugs on the RUTX50 is either

Cell A - Cell C - GPS - Cell D - Cell B
Cell A - Cell D - GPS - Cell C - Cell B

Someone else with a better insight should correct me if I'm wrong.


timelapse admin