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by anonymous
I installed a RUTX50 last week and am currently testing the 5G mobile connection stability before setting up a mesh network. Currently I can get speeds upto 110MB which is 10 x quicker than my wired phone line!

I plan to purchase a RUTX10 to use as a mesh node in a weeks time. Reading your quide can you please confirm my understanding below as I am not sure if the mesh communication is a separate layer? My current setup is:

MyWifi-2.4 (auto band selection)

MyWifi-5.0 (auto band selection)

For the mesh network do I edit above network or create additional mesh network:

MyMesh-2.4 (fixed channel)

MyMesh-5.0 (fixed channel)

I understand I set the RUTX50 as gateway and RUTX10 as node with settings in your guide. Its just whether this is a separate network so I will have 4 networks on each device?

1 Answer

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by anonymous



The configuration example on how to create a mesh network can be found here.

To answer your question, separate WLAN interfaces will need to be created. Please keep in mind, that it is not possible to have an automatic band selection for one of two interfaces operating in the same WiFi band. Thus both - Mesh and WiFi will need to be on a fixed frequency.

  • I understand I set the RUTX50 as gateway and RUTX10 as node with settings in your guide. Its just whether this is a separate network so I will have 4 networks on each device?
Correct, however, only two of them will be visible to WiFi clients.

Hope this helps!


Best regards,

by anonymous
Hi, I have just received the RUTX10 but I cannot get mesh to appear in the mode dropdown of the general setup for the wireless configuration.  I have scanned wifi and connected to the RUTX50 so have internet connection but when I add another interface I only get AP or Client.  I have checked and there are no firmware updates.  Please help - have I missed a setting somewhere??

Just to note when the general page loads the mesh id box appears for a split second and then disappears

EDIT:  Ok first issue fixed with firmware update, but I now follow the guide and after the last step of switching node to DHCP I cannot get any connection or log into the node.  I can see a lease on the RUTX50 and it shows the RUTX10 but cannot access the internet or ping the RUTX10.  I cannot access the admin page either so can only reset the RUTX10.  What should I try next?

Thanks, James
by anonymous


I will ask you to replicate the issue, then on both RUTX50 and RUTX10 navigate to System → Administration → Troubleshoot and generate troubleshoot files. These files can be attached to the original post and will only be visible to Teltonika moderators. They will provide me with the logs and your configuration to check what could be the issue. As for the WebUI, on the RUTX10, change the firewall zone of the mesh network to LAN. This way the WebUI of the router should be accessible from the RUTX10.


Best regards,
by anonymous
Hi DaumantasG, I have just uploaded the two files but I did not make the final DCHP change to the RUTX10 as I could not work out the firewall setting - it looked like it was already set to LAN.  Hope this identifies my configuration error!

Thanks, James
by anonymous
Hi, I am still struggling and tried multiple times, whenever I disable DHCP I lose connection to the node. Did you get a chance to review the files. Thanks, James
by anonymous



Sorry for a delayed response.

Replicated your setup, and just to get on the same page, here are the steps that were taken:

  • The devices were updated to the latest version;
  • In the WebUI of the RUTX50, navigate to the Wireless settings. Since there already is an AP instance created, I only added a new Mesh interface. On the mesh interface, set the desired ID, encryption, and password. In the advanced settings, enable the Forward mesh peer traffic option and set the threshold to -80;
  • Set the channel manually in the global wireless interface settings;
  • On the node (RUTX10), configure the exact same settings as the RUTX50;
  • Once that is done, you will lose access to the RUTX10, as it will provide you with an IP address from the RUTX50. On your PC, set a static IP in the range of the RUTX10 LAN network (make sure the networks are in different ranges) and open RUTX10 WebUI.
  • In the Network → Interfaces → General set the LAN network to use DHCP;
That should be it, the WiFi clients of the RUTX10 should receive an address from the RUTX50. RUTX10 should be accessible using its address listed in the RUTX50 DHCP lease page (Status → Network → LAN).

If it is not, make sure that the mesh interface on RUTX10 was configured on the LAN network.

Make sure to remove the static IP from your PC after the configuration.

Let me know how it goes. 


Best regards,

by anonymous
Hi DaumantasG,

Sorry for the delay, I finally managed to get the RUTX10 connected and have purchased and connected a second RUTX10 which worked straight away with the configuration above.  I am not sure what caused the issue with the first one - I kept one of the RUTX10 default wifi networks and used this to configure the 2.4 and 5ghz for my two networks and the mesh network.  I can now log into any of the 3 devices using their IP's.

The only weird thing is that when I go to status->Network and look at connected devices I do have entries with no hostname or IP but there is a MAC. Not really sure what devices these could be or if there is an issue with IP and hostname being pulled through. I have only connected 6 devices while I test before stopping my landline but its all working and connection 5G mobile connection is good.

Thanks for you help.

Kind regards,

by anonymous


Glad I could help!

As for the connected devices, are you checking them on the RUTX50?

As this is the router that is providing all of the leases, it should be checked on it, as the other routers are simply performing bridging and should not display much information.

Let us know if any more help is needed.


Best regards,