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by anonymous


We have an RUT955 router with an M2M SIM installed.  The SIM is what the mobile provider calls an "m2mdirect" SIM, which allows incoming data connections to the router.  I'm not sure if that is a common term or not.

  • We have "Enable remote HTTPS" enabled on the router (temporarily for setup and debugging reasons)
  • We have a port forwarding rule to allow incoming SSH connections through to a device on the routers internal network.
  • The only other change we have made to the routers configuration is to change its LAN subnet from 192.168.1.X to 192.168.2.X.

Everything works fine as described.  But if the system is idle for a while, eg. overnight, the ISP seems to drop the connection and issue a new IP address to the router.  When that happens, the router becomes unreachable.  

  • I cannot access the WebUI at the new IP address.
  • I cannot SSH into the device on the internal network

So far, the only way I have found to fix this, is to reboot the router.  This is an undesirable solution, because the intention is to install these systems in various remote locations.

Is this a known issue?  Is there something we can do to avoid this issue?


PS. Router has been updated to the latest firmware.

1 Answer

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by anonymous



This is not a known issue, and is most likely related to the operator-specific parameters.

If the device is physically accessible to you, I will ask you to wait for the issue to replicate, and without rebooting the device, navigate to System → Administration → Troubleshoot. Here, a troubleshoot file can be generated, which can then be attached to your original question and it will only be visible to Teltonika moderators.

This file contains some logs which may help me identify the issue.

I also recommend setting up Ping reboot, which will reboot the device, if the specified IP address is unreachable. This can be configured by navigating to Services → Auto Reboot → Ping/Wget Reboot. Make sure the specified host will be reachable within the mobile network!


Best regards,

by anonymous
Thanks for the response.  I've attached the troubleshooting file to my original post.

The same issue has happened again this morning. But interestingly, this time the IP address has not changed.  It is the same as it was yesterday.

This time I also did a ping check.  I couldn't ping anything (eg. from the router (Troubleshoot page), or from devices on the router's LAN.
by anonymous


From the troubleshoot file, I cannot see any mobile disconnections. DHCP lease gets extended sucesfully and that's about it. However, I did notice that the LAN1 port of the device keeps connecting and disconnecting. Are you sure it's the RUT955 that is losing the connectivity?

Perhaps the disconnection event did not happen before the troubleshoot file was generated?


Best regards,
by anonymous


I cannot see any mobile disconnections.

I expected that was the case, since yesterday morning it still had the same IP as the day before.  So I had already accepted that my guess (that it was mobile disconnections causing the problem) was wrong.

DHCP lease gets extended sucesfully and that's about it.

I assume you are referring to the mobile connection IP address here?  Correct?

However, I did notice that the LAN1 port of the device keeps connecting and disconnecting.

LAN 1 is connected to the "device on the internal network" I mention in my original post.  You may be seeing disconnections because we have been rebooting that device quite often during setup.  Any LAN3 disconnections will be my laptop connecting to the LAN for testing. 

Yesterday morning (27 April NZT), I couldn't even connect to the WebUI from the internal LAN.  I had to hard reset the router.

Also yesterday, I set up the ping auto reboot feature, as per your suggestion.  It appears to have worked.  By that I mean that the charger was accepting WebUI connections on the external (mobile) interface this morning.  Once I determined what the new IP address was, of course..

But I don't like that this is necessary.  It is concerning that

  • the router at some point starts refusing connections on the mobile interface
  • and sometimes also on the internal gateway address (

We had an issue with talking to the "device on the internal network" (it's an embedded Linux device running PTXdist), that turned out to be caused by clashing DHCP servers.  That is why we changed the router to use for its DHCP server.   Do you think our continuing problems could also be related to that?

I will attach a new troubleshooting file in case it helps.  I really appreciate your assistance!


by anonymous


Could you try changing ping reboot settings and instead of a 'device reboot', try setting 'modem reboot' to see if modem reboot is enough and if the issue is related to the mobile connectivity? It is it enough for the modem to reboot or is the connection still failing?

Kind Regards,


by anonymous

Thanks for the comment Andrej

I have switched it to a modem reboot to see if makes a difference. 

When I tested the router on Monday morning after last weekend, I found the following:

  • The external IP address hadn't changed, so it probably(?) hadn't rebooted.
  • I could connect to the WebUI from the LAN, but not via the external IP address.
  • I could ping out from the LAN ok. Which perhaps explains why it hadn't rebooted.

So, in this case, it looks like the WebUI somehow lost it's binding to the external IP address.



by anonymous



Since the troubleshoot files do not contain any leads as to what could be causing the issue, could you try factory resetting the device using the bootloader procedure? This will completely wipe the system files of the device, which will hopefully resolve any software-related issues.

Also, you mentioned that 

By that I mean that the charger was accepting WebUI connections on the external (mobile) interface this morning.

Do I understand correctly that this device is installed in an electric vehicle charger? Perhaps you could provide a diagram of how everything is connected (including the power supply and the antennas)? Where are the antennas placed? Perhaps they are touching or in a close proximity to any other components?


Best regards,

by anonymous
I tried doing a normal factory reset.  It didn't help.

So I then tried doing a Bootloader reset as you suggest, but I couldn't do that because all the available firmware images (RUT9_R_00.07.04.1 , RUT9_R_00.07.04.2 , and RUT9_R_00.07.04.3) failed with an "Invalid checksum" error.

Are the images faulty, or is the bootloader UI broken?

by anonymous


This means the device is of older generation. In this case, please install RUT9XX_R_00.06.09.4_WEBUI and from the WebUI upgrade to the latest.


Best regards,
by anonymous

Thanks DaumantasG and Andzej.

My problems seem to be resolved now.  Upgrading to RUT9_R_00.07.04.3 seems to have done the trick.

Looking at the release notes for 7.04.2 I see the following entry, which I think sounds like it might be the bugfix that solved my problem:

  • Fixed IPv4, IPv6 mobile connection restarts
by anonymous

Glad to hear that!

That might have been the issue you were facing.

Best regards,