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by anonymous

I am living on a sailboat and use RUT955 mainly to access mobile data.

Marina WIFI often do not reach into the boat. So I would like to pick up the Marina WLAN Signal and bring it into my boat. Or in other words, using an existing WLAN as a mobile Data provider, feed it into my own WIFI Network. Any hint or configuration example?

Thank you!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous


Is my understanding correct that you want to connect your RUT955 to the marina Wi-Fi and use it as your primary internet source? In other words, the RUT955 should use the marina Wi-Fi as the main internet source and switch to the cellular mobile connection only when the marina Wi-Fi is unavailable.

If that is the case, you can configure the RUT955 as a Wireless Client (STA mode) and connect it to the marina Wi-Fi. This setup will allow devices connected to the RUT955 LAN network (for example, Wi-Fi) to access the internet, as the RUT955 will be using the marina Wi-Fi as its WAN.

Then you can configure failover where wireless WAN will be your main WAN, and mobile (mob1s1a1) will be your secondary failover interface. 

I suggest watching our YouTube video here. The video explains the configuration process in detail.

Kind Regards,


by anonymous
Excellent Andzej, thank you for your prompt answer. This solves exactly my use case!

Best JJR