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by anonymous
The RMS Connection of several devices fails and gives no specific error Message ("Other Error" or "Cant connect to server"). Directly after the initial setup the connection was possible with no problems, but after restarting, the problem showed up.

I also encountered the problem that it takes really long to connect my PC to one of my VPN Servers (Connection reset by peer (WSAECONNRESET) (code=10054)). The connection to other Servers is possible with no delay.

1 Answer

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by anonymous



From the information I could see in the troubleshoot file, there are a few issues:

  • You have failover enabled, which pings the server. Since you are using a custom APN, I assume you are on a private network without access to the public internet. I would recommend either disabling failover or specifying IP addresses that are reachable from your private network. It can be disabled or edited by navigating to Network → Failover;
  • You only allow 1 DHCP lease to be provided. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but from the logs, I can see that another LAN device tried to obtain a DHCP lease, yet failed, as the limit is set to 1. This can be changed in the Network → Interfaces → General menu, by editing the LAN interface;
  • The first issue may be related to why the device is not connecting to RMS. If the network does not have access to the public internet, it will not be able to access the RMS. Perhaps RMS is no longer reachable after setting the APN manually? If that's not the case, try setting the DNS servers manually on mob1s1a1 interface;
  • As for the connection reset issue, could you clarify if this happens on your PC? If yes:
    • Make sure you are the only user to use that particular .ovpn file;
    • Make sure that the OpenVPN adapter is available;
    • Try reinstalling OpenVPN. I would recommend using the community builds of OpenVPN rather than OpenVPN Connect;


Best regards,