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by anonymous

Hello! I have a Teltonika RUT950, and I have to turn it on with 12v in my VAN.
I saw that there is a 12v car adapter, but I would like to do it myself, since I need an on/off switch and I have the material.

The connector on the device has 4 pins, 2 are for +12v and ground (Red wire / Black wire)

Then there are: Input / Green wire and Output / White wire. I guess I should just leave those 2 unconnected, but I'd like to confirm.

RUT950 datasheet

Any help? Thanks!

1 Answer

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by anonymous



Indeed, if you will not be using the Input/Output functionality of the RUT950 the white and green wires can be left unused. When installing, make sure they will not be touching any live wires.

Also, we would also recommend placing some sort of surge protector to avoid any voltage spikes that might be possible.

More information about the I/O of the RUT950 can be found here.


Best regards,

by anonymous
Thanks for your help. Do you have any suggestions for the surge protection?

I forgot, in any case I will use a car cigarette lighter, so I hope I don't have overvoltages
by anonymous


As we do not sell any surge protectors, I cannot provide any specific recommendations, but anything is better than nothing.

However, as long as your van uses a 12V system, it should be fine without the surge protector as well.


Best regards,