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by anonymous

I have a problem with crontabs. After adding a new command and doing reboot RUT the command disappears from /ect/crontabs/root Why is this happening? What should I do to make him stay there?

Device: RUT955 firmware RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.6

I do not want to switch to newer firmware, because the RS485 devices that I use with RUT do not want to work properly on the newer firmware. That's why I'm looking for a solution to make crontabs run on RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.6 Can it be done?

1 Answer

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by anonymous



There could be many reasons why this could be happening.

If you'd like to stay on legacy, there is firmware RUT9XX_R_00.06.09.4_WEBUI available for the RUT955 devices, which can be downloaded here, could you try this version?

Have you tried factory resetting the device? Do other setting changes save properly on the device?

If other settings are also not getting saved, this may indicate a Flash storage issue. Perhaps you are performing a lot of read/write operations on the device?


Best regards,

by anonymous
I resolved this by turning off all ping reboot in tab  /services/auto-reboot. This function I add manuly to cron. After that everythings work good even after reboot. It follows that the settings added in this tab overwrite what I add manually to cron. It would be nice to write it somewhere in the manual because it's not obvious.
by anonymous


As the legacy firmware is no longer, it is unlikely that it will be added.

However, this might have been addressed in the newer firmware versions of legacy RutOS, as the feature does not overwrite cron file in the newest firmware.


Best regards,