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by anonymous
Hi I am about to purchase a RUT360 for home use. Can I configure multiple Time Restriction of Internet Access for specific devices i.e. Children's laptops e.g. no Internet access allowed from children laptop between 21:00 and 07:00 Sunday to Thursday AND no access between 22:00 and 07:00 Friday to Saturday.

I have reviewed the knowledgebase but have not seen the option to specific Days and Time Periods on the RUT360 device.

1 Answer

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by anonymous


To restrict internet access for specific devices using the firewall, you can configure traffic rules. These can be configured in Network -> Firewall -> Traffic rules. I would suggest taking a look at our wiki page here.

Here's an example scenario:

  • First, make sure your router's time is synchronized by going to Services -> NTP and setting up NTP synchronization. This ensures accurate time-based rules.
  • To ensure consistency, you can assign a static lease for your child's laptop. Go to Network -> Interfaces -> Static leases and set a static IP address for the laptop. This way, the laptop will always receive the same IP address from the router.
  • Alternatively, instead of using the IP address, you can specify the laptop's MAC address within the traffic rule. To find the MAC address, go to Status -> Network -> LAN -> DHCP leases. Make sure the laptop is connected to the router, and you should see a DHCP lease entry for it along with its MAC address.

Here is an example traffic rule to block internet access for the PC on the local network with the IP address on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 21:00 to 07:00 (change according to your needs):

Kind Regards,
