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by anonymous

Is there an option to add Device Info (name) together with the MAC address, so that I can get this on SMS EVENTS REPORTING RULES, So I can quickly respond to SMS

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Are you using the latest firmware version?

It seems that you are looking for these options:

Have you tried these?

Kind Regards,


by anonymous
Nope I have this,I have the latest new version, but I'm sorry not to be able to see a NAME of the MAC address that is logged in or out, when I can't see the name I always have to have a list in the pocket that shows who is logged in or out, it was easier to be able to code a name to a MAC address, also in other contexts NAME and MAC address should both be in the system.

by anonymous


Could you please clarify what exactly are you trying to achieve? What are your current event reporting settings?

You want to receive SMS messages through the Event Reporting feature. These SMS messages should include the NAME and MAC address of the user who connected to the device. Is my understanding correct?

The only viable option to achieve something similar with Events Reporting would be to utilize DHCP notifications when users are leased an IP address. Keep in mind that some devices may not have a name associated with them, however, you can assign them with a static lease in Network -> Interfaces -> Static leases. Within the static lease settings, you can enter the desired name in the description field, along with their MAC address and the IP address that should be leased to them. By doing this, the next time the device with the specified MAC address attempts to obtain an IP lease, it will receive the static IP address you specified. Consequently, you should receive an SMS message containing the MAC address and the name (extracted from the description field) of the device.

Kind Regards,
