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by anonymous
We are testing the failover capabilities of the RUTX12. In a standard configuration it works fine with failing over between the two SIMs.

However we require a L2TP tunnel which is the default route out. When setup in this fashion traffic will use the primary SIM but it won't failover to the secondary SIM unless you actually reboot or pull the SIM out of the Teltonika.

If it just loses signal or your remove the antennas to simulate poor signal the L2TP tunnel never renegotiates over the backup SIM. A reboot get's it to re-establish or pulling the SIM as mentioned however we need this to be automatic and ideally have it choose the SIM with the better signal.

Any suggestions to get this working as needed?


1 Answer

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by anonymous



Could you clarify if you are flushing the connections on failover between the SIMs?

This can be configured by navigating to Network → Failover, editing the mob1s1a1 interface, and adding Connected and Disconnected options into the Flush connections on field. While this will result in not as smooth transitions, all connections should establish on a different SIM card.

Let me know if this does not help, we might need to use a custom script in that case.


Best regards,

by anonymous

Thanks for the fast response.

I have tried with both 'connected' and 'disconnected' in the flush connections field but no luck sorry.

I think I can see why it fails. If I look at the status page for the modems the 'data connection' stays as 'connected' even though the state shows as 'searching'. It doesn't change to 'disconnected' until I either remove the SIM or reload the router. 

Added screenshot to show what I mean. For some reason it's not changing the data to disconnected despite it obviously not finding a service I guess?

Thanks again

by anonymous

Make sure you are on the latest firmware. Then, I'll ask you to replicate this issue, navigate to System → Administration → Troubleshoot and generate a troubleshoot file. This file can be attached to the original question and will only be visible to Teltonika moderators.

Best regards,
by anonymous
Thanks. it's on RUTX_R_00.07.04.2_WEBUI.bin which is the latest mass production firmware. I could try it on RUTX_R_00.07.04.3_WEBUI.bin if needed?

I'll retest and generate a troubleshooting file. thanks
by anonymous
v7.4.3 would be better. Thank you.


Best regards,
by anonymous
I've now upgraded to the latest firmware and the same issue I'm afraid.

I've attached two troubleshoot files to my original post:

'before failover' which is showing the setup where both sims are connected and l2tp is established with traffic routing over it accordingly

'testing faiilover' which is when I've removed the antenna of the primary sim to simulate low signal. When doing this the traffic does failover to the second sim but it doesn't use the l2tp tunnel anymore.

thanks again
by anonymous



Sorry for the delayed response.

Could you try applying the solution provided in this comment:

The lines

/etc/init.d/ipsec stop

/etc/init.d/ipsec start

Should be replaced by

/etc/init.d/xl2tpd stop

/etc/init.d/xl2tpd start


And the mobile interface will be wwan0 and wwan1 for the RUTX12.

Let me know if this helps!


Best regards,