On the 8th of June, 2023, 8 of our Teltonika RUT955 routers suddenly went offline. In our OpenVPN WebUI the routers were offline and not reachable from another device in the VPN. I started trubleshooting instantly.
I restartet one of these routers which ist connected wie Mobile-SIM with the internet via sending a SMS-Command. Suddenly the router came back online and connected to the VPN. Just a few moments later (I think it was approximately 3 to 4 hours) the router disconnected again.
My next steps were Upgrading/Downgradign the FW, I also tried reconfiguring the OpenVPN-Tunnel... but nothing worked.
Can you tell me why the router keeps beeing not reachable for other devices in the VPN?
Thanks in advance!
Your sincerely,
Bernhard Hackl