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by anonymous

Hello all Teltonika fans and technical support guys!

I have searched many opened topics, tried many things, but unfortunately, I have not found solution to my problem yet.

So, I have finally decided to contact you. I apology in advance if similar topic already exists…

 Basic idea is, to configure RUT950 as OPENVPN client. RUT950 is then connected then to OPENVPN server. Another OPENVPN client (PC Station)  is connected to the same OPENVPN server. OPENVPN server will act as bridge between PC Station and RUT950. 

That idea works fine. I am able to access RUT950 WEB UI from PC Station that way.  So OPENVPN Tunnelling works fine (at least I think so).

And now, the big question: 

I would like to access also devices, that are connected to the RUT950 LAN. My idea is, to configure RUT950 as gateway for LAN devices and to route traffic from LAN via OPENVPN to PC Station (connected to the OPENVPN server). Since I can access RUT950 WEB UI I am assuming, that OPENVPN server is configured correctly and that I need to do some configurations on RUT950 to make it work.

I would really appreciate help with how to configure RUT950 to make my idea work.

Please see also topology.

Thank you for any help!



1 Answer

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by anonymous


If you are looking to access the device in the LAN network of RUT950 ( network) from your PC, you need to push this route from the OpenVPN server to your PC (OpenVPN client). So make changes to the OpenVPN server config to push the route:

  • push "route"

Now the PC should know that it can reach network via the OpenVPN server.

Also, make sure that both clients are on different private networks and that the OpenVPN server has client to client option configured.

  • client-to-client

You can also find a lot of information regarding the OpenVPN configurations on our wiki page here.

Kind Regards,
