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by anonymous

In accordance with PCN 2022.10.06 I am setting up some new RUTX11 devices and I noted that the default password of `admin01` no longer applies. This is good for security, but I am wondering how to best prepare for a case where a remote device gets factory reset and is mounted high up on a pole somewhere or in another inaccessible area.

Do we need to now track this factory pw in a database in the event that it is remotely wiped? (intentionally or accidentally by power surge etc) That would seem to be the only way. Then again, it appears that via contacting support, they are able to regenerate the original factory password based on the device serial#. Is this true?

Just looking for some guidance and advice on how to best handle. Thank you

2 Answers

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by anonymous


Thank you for contacting

That would be true, for the betterment of security, we have decided to move forward with unique password for our each devices and the default password of   admin01 no longer applies

as a work around , you can always ask you're sales manager for the file which contains all the information of the devices purchased, so you wouldn't  need to individually check and record all the devices Identification and security details.



0 votes
by anonymous


If you are purchasing the devices directly from us, I would recommend contacting your sales manager, and they will be able to help.

Otherwise, the QR code on the back of the device contains the unique password and the rest of the information that is engraved/printed on the back of the device. These QR codes can be scanned upon receipt of the devices, and stored in a database. If the password will be needed later on, it can be referenced by using the serial number or the MAC address.

The support is only able to help in very rare cases, and only for a limited time after the purchase, thus we will not be able to provide the password files.


Best regards,