Is there an option to get the wireless hotspot in the same IP Range as the LAN conection? i know i can set the LAN IPs quite freely but on the wireless side i can only set the AP IP on the hotspot options. For example LAN and Hotspot should be 192.168.1.xxx with the same subnet. everything i tried locked up the hotspot somehow. maybe i am missing something obious i hope.
Here is the full situation:
i want to setup an hotspot on a RUT955 which can reach devices which are connected by LAN without any barriers, like the hotspot devices are on the LAN or a normal WLAN. The LAN devices are an Synology Diskstation NAS DS215j and a Loxone Miniserver for Home Automation. The Problem is i can't reach the devices with full functionality from the hotspot, for example no conections when using the provided apps from Synology and Loxone on mobile devices. When opening the ports i can access the WebUIs over the browser, but mainly the DLNA/UPnP i cant get to work. I have to admit that I'm not at all an expert in managing ports. I have read that DLNA works only in the same IP range, so thats the reason why i want to solve the issue with the same ip range to get a reliable system.
Thanks so much in advance, please ask if you need more information, Cheers