I made a script now to help with this problem, not a fix but better then waiting for a fix..
You need some basic skills of linux to use it.
login to your RUT as root
create a file using vim (or other text editor in RUT)
paste all this and then chmod +x yourfile
default=`/sbin/route | grep -c default`
if [ ! -f "$tmpfile" ]; then #create file if missing.
echo 0 >$tmpfile
trigger=`cat $tmpfile | grep -c error`
if [ $default == 0 ]; then #0 Error no default gateway
echo "error" >>$tmpfile
echo "Missing default gateway"
echo 0 >$tmpfile
if [ $trigger -ge 3 ];then #Too many errors
echo 0 >$tmpfile
echo "Rebooting, missing default too long"
THEN you can add an entry in crontab running that file every 5 or 2 mins and after some fails it will reboot your device for you.
(ex */5 * * * * /usr/mystuff/chknetworking )
This script only check for a valid default route, but I think the problem with RUT devices it the poor WWAN inplementation/driver layout on board what ever..
Hope it helps you.