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I installed ta RUT240 a few weeks ago and initially it seemed to work and occasionally dropped out. It meant a visit to the site to try and sort it, a reboot, power off style seemed to help.

However after 3 weeks of intermittent failure, once a week, it now fails within 10 mins or so never to reconnect. I have the device at home and tho the incoming signal is a bit weaker it exhibits the same problem. Amazon tried to resolve this issue and suggested I return the router. I did and bought a new one, its replacement shows the same problem.

Signal strength has been between -51 and -95dBn.

your thoughts appreciated.

John Williams

3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

Hello John,

the temporary solution to your problem would be to configure Auto Reboot service -> Ping Reboot functionality.

If you do not want to reboot the whole router everytime, try using the option: restart mobile connection.

(More documentation our our wiki: here)


You can try checking your router’s received signal strength. Take note that mobile signal quality is determined by multiple parameter (RSSI, RSRP, RSRQ, etc.).

You can find our signal strength recommendations here.

(These parameters are found values in router’s “Status -> Network -> Mobile” menu)

Also, try to compare router’s signal strength with any other device, e.g. your smartphone.

Lastly, could you let me know what kind of antennas are you using (screwed or wired, more information here) and could  you describe the location where the device is at? (City, underground, desert, etc.)

Best Regards,


–1 vote
same with RUT955
–1 vote

I made a script now to help with this problem, not a fix but better then waiting for a fix..

You need some basic skills of linux to use it.

login to your RUT as root

create a file using vim (or other text editor in RUT)
paste all this and then chmod +x yourfile


default=`/sbin/route | grep -c default`


if [ ! -f "$tmpfile" ]; then #create file if missing.

        echo 0 >$tmpfile


trigger=`cat $tmpfile | grep -c error`

if [ $default == 0 ]; then      #0 Error no default gateway

        echo "error" >>$tmpfile

        echo "Missing default gateway"


        echo 0 >$tmpfile


if [ $trigger -ge 3 ];then      #Too many errors

        echo 0 >$tmpfile

        echo "Rebooting, missing default too long"



THEN you can add an entry in crontab running that file every 5 or 2 mins and after some fails it will reboot your device for you.
(ex   */5 * * * * /usr/mystuff/chknetworking )
This script only check for a valid default route, but I think the problem with RUT devices it the poor WWAN inplementation/driver layout on board what ever..

Hope it helps you.
by anonymous

If we understood correctly, you have certain issues with your device, which is described in the following crowd support ticket:

It seems that your answer to this crowd support ticket is related with particular issue you are encountering with your device, but is not related with this case in any way. If you have any additional information to your initial crowd support question, please write all relative information to your original ticket, so that we could help you solve your issue.