I bought a Zyxel LTE4506 and have a serious problem operating the device in bridge mode. Before returning it back to Amazon and buying a RUT240, I want to assure, that the RUT240 does not have the same problems.
At the moment I'm operating the LTE4506 in bridge mode. The main router (its wan port is connected via cable to the lan port of the LTE4506) gets the wan ip via DHCP from the LTE4506. The lease time is 7200 seconds, the main router re-news the leased IP every 3600 seconds.
When the LTE4506 disconnects und re-connects, in most cases the ISP assigns a new IP address to the device. The main router gets this new IP address, when it re-news the lease. In the worst case this will be in 3600 seconds. In the meantime the main router uses the old, obsolete IP address and therefore gets no internet access. That's not acceptable.
I tried a PPPoE connection to the LTE4506, but the device doesn't respond to the PPP requests.
My question: how do I connect the main router to the RUT240 in bridge mode? If DHCP is the only way to set the wan IP address of the main router, then I assume, the RUT240 will have the same problems as the Zyxel device.
The lease time of the LTE4506 is fixed at 7200 seconds and can't be changed. The problem would be less serious, if I can reduce the lease time to a few minutes.
The principle problem of DHCP is, that the server doesn't inform the client, the he can't use the old assigned IP address any more and therefore has to request a new one.
Any chance to get a better handling with your RUT240?