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by anonymous
Hi. I am configuring the service. I activated the service and verified the A record, everything responds but I do not see the rotuer's web interface and I cannot access the services configured as Fowarder. Do I have to activate / configure firewalls to accept incoming connections wan-> lan? Can I create secure zones for local IP? Thanks

1 Answer

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by anonymous
Hi again,

You will have to enable Remote HTTP access.  Navigate to System > Administration > Access control and you will find that setting there. After you have it enabled you should be able to reach your WebUI with Dyndns address you created.

Regarding "secure zones" you mentioned, what exactly you want to do? Please give me more insight about what are you trying to achieve.

by anonymous

I can't see web interface on external adress. I see the different IP in cgi-bin/luci/admin/services/ddns


Lookup Hostname


MyIP aa.aa.aa.aa

cgi-bin/luci/admin/services/ddns show

Status: Running


IP: (why is different of myip?)

also do i have to enable (accept) forwarded in the firewall to accept the created PortFowarder?

by anonymous

Do you have a static or dynamic public IP address from your operator? If yes, can you reach its IP from some other external network and see your WebUI? (Use your phone or another network interface).

No need for port forwarding if you enabled Remote HTTP access as I mentioned before.

by anonymous

Hi ErnestasB. I've dynamic IP from WinTre operator with SIM data. I can't see my WebUI to DNS or simply IP. by port forwarding I meant different rules that I activated not for remote access. Even the activated port forwarding services are available. Does the default firewall configuration allow external access with remote access and enable port fowarding? I also tried to activate everything from the firewall.. But by chance the SIM data have an a limit for external access? ...

by anonymous
Could you give me full configuration screenshots of your and router?

Thank you.
by anonymous

Now in DYNAMIC DNS OVERVIEW I see the public IP, yesterday I didn't see it. Unfortunately I can't reach the interface. But could it be that the WindTre operator does NAT? How can I resolve if I have an internal IP and the operator routes with NAT? do I have to do a VPN?

by anonymous
yet I can ping the DDNS host ...

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---

4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2999ms

PS: (for security it's not the real one)
by anonymous
It looks like your DDNS configuration goes through and is indeed correct, but your IP address is not public. You will need to contact your operator and ask them to give you public IP in order for this to work.
by anonymous

could this be the private IP assigned by the operator behind NAT? otherwise how can I see the private IP that the operator behind NAT assigns me?

by anonymous
Yes, you're right. This is the address that the operator assigns you behind NAT, and the address is the shared one.
by anonymous
Thanks Enrnestas. it would be nice to have the IP behind nat in the Status Overview. Now only seen in the interface menu, maybe I will have to create a VPN. However port fowarding services should work even if behind NAT right? Do I have to enable something in the firewall to accept the port fowarding rules?
by anonymous
Yes, port forwarding will do its job as long as it is your local network.
by anonymous
what do i need in port fowarding default sevice Enable_HTTPS_WAN_PASSTHROUGH 80/443?
by anonymous
I tried to test the doors with but they are not open. I can't even make skype work. Are we sure that the firewall does not need to be configured? if yes how?
by anonymous

Some applications do need some ports opened before they can function properly, but most of them should work just fine.

For skype, please check if these ports are opened in your traffic rules:

You will find the instruction on how to open ports on our wiki page. Choose your router > Manual > WebUI > Firewall. There you will find full instructions and default settings of every firewall aspect of our router.