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by anonymous
Firmware 1.12.3 on RUT240. It appears that setting up any SMS Events Reporting (even if its not enabled) in Status-Events Log-Events Reporting, stops the RUT240 from responding to SMS Utlities queries, such as 'status'.

I have SMS Utilities enabled with root password authorisation, so that I can get responses to Status etc SMS queries. I got responses to SMS queries as expected.

I then set up some Events Reporting, so I'd get SMS notification if the WAN Failover occured, but I didn't enable this. The RUT240 then stopped responding to any SMS queries I sent it. The log showed the SMS being received, but the RUT240 didnt respond.

If I enabled the Events reporting, I correctly got a notification SMS when the WAN failed over, but still no responses to any SMS queries.

If I deleted the Events Reporting entry I'd set up, the RUT240 started responding to the SMS queries again. Changing the SMS Utilities queries authorisation to 'No authorisation' or using a whitelist, made no difference.

When I get an RUT240 with an earlier firmware, I'll post whether it responds the same way.

I reflashed the firmware without keeping the settings, but this didnt help.
by anonymous
The same error occurs in firmware 1.12.2
by anonymous
The same error also occurs with firmware 1.11.3, except that deleting the Event Reporting rule didnt reenable the SMS responses to SMS queries, until I resaved the SMS Utilities queries that were enabled in the config.

Has anyone else seen this???

1 Answer

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by anonymous

I couldn't reproduce your issue. Could you please send me your troubleshoot file via private message?

by anonymous
Thanks Ernestas, I've PMed you, with the troubleshoot file and info below:

First I defaulted the RUT240, set up a test password, left the LAN, turned off wifi and RMS. Then I disabled a number of the SMS Rules in SMS Utilities that we dont use, and added one for turning off SSH, so it was similar to our config. I then sent an SMS 'status' using the admin password authentication, and got the expected response. I then added an Event Reporting rule, so that I got an SMS if the RUT240 rebooted unexpectedly, but I DID NOT enable the rule. I then sent the RUT240 a 'status' SMS, which the log shows it receiving, but it didnt send any response.
by anonymous
For anyone else wondering, Teltonika have been able to reproduce the issue, and R&D are aware of it. They will get back to me when they have a solution.
by anonymous
@twotony Any update on this?
by anonymous
There is a test firmware if you wish to try it. On the test firmware, it is fixed and working.

by anonymous
This is now fixed in firmware 1.13