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by anonymous
I'm using RUT950 (latest firmware) with ThingsMobile sim. No way to make it work... I've set the correct AP but no connection at all; sometimes the connection is up but suddendly goes down; this is my configuration:

Connection type: QMI

Mode: NAT



Authentication method: None

Service mode: Automatic

Deny data roaming: not checked

Use IPv4 only: checked (but same result without check)

any suggestion?

4 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

Can you upload the router's Troubleshoot file? You can download it from the System → Administration → Troubleshoot section.

However, before uploading note that the Troubleshoot file may contain some private information that may not want to share (like phone numbers, for example). Passwords will be hidden automatically. Anything else that you don't want to share, you should remove from your configuration before downloading the Troubleshoot.
by anonymous

Hi sir,

thanks for your help; here's the troubleshoot file:

sim operator gave me these informations too:

MCC: 234

MNC: 50

Operator Code: 23450

sometimes the connections seems to be up, but after few seconds goes down with timeout message on Data Connection Overview

by anonymous

It looks like your router does periodically achieve a connection but only briefly and then disconnects in a matter of seconds. It looks like this is due to extremely poor signal quality (RSRP value is -113 dBm, which usually means disconnection). Try attaching LTE antennas to the router and moving them or the router itself in order to find the best signal conditions.

If you have already done that and were still unsuccessful, examine the antenna connectors to see if there are no visible defects. And lastly, contact Teltonika's warranty service. They will also ask you for the router's Troubleshoot file and will then try to determine whether the router is defect and eligible for a replacement. If you find any visible defects yourself, take photos and attach them to your warranty request.

Info on signal strength recommendations.

by anonymous
Ok, I also noticed that you're using manual-auto operator selection. Try simply using automatic selection, because the router may be connecting to the specified operator and not the one with the best signal conditions.
by anonymous


Could you tell me if you still have the same issues with this FW version ? You can download it from here

Also at this stage it is needed to scan for operators and connection to one of them manually.

0 votes

I have the same problem, with the RUT240 using a Things-mobile SIM Card.

The signal strength is -55dB and there is a connecton to a mobile network but,

there is no Data-Connection

by anonymous

Is it possible to make a clean upgrade to the newest FW version ? It is available at:

Also maybe this SIM card is data only or LTE only ?
Did you resolve the problem? I have the same issue, but with public IP. When I power on the router it works for a while (120sec) than the connection appear to be ok, but doesn't work.
by anonymous

Could you also download a troubleshoot file after this issue appears ?

i am having the same problem with Things Mobile Sim-Card and also have the latest firmware (V1.12.1). All the settings are in automatic but still i cant connect to any provider.

Is there any solutions for that?
by anonymous
You have to set the apn manually. And probably you have to check if the SIM card of internet of things suitable to be used in the routers!
0 votes
by anonymous

Teltonika received SIM cards and is looking into this issue. I'll post the feedback in this topic as soon as I get any new details.
Thanks a lot, I'm still trying with no success... with another router (a cheap tplink) all is fine
by anonymous


Could you tell me if you still have the same issues with this FW version ? You can download it from here

Also at this stage it is needed to scan for operators and connection to one of them manually.

by anonymous
Hello Vilmantas

Was this issue ever resolved? I too have a Things Mobile IOT SIM I have the same problem, in fact my card just seems 'not accepted' by the my RUT950 so when I a force a SIM card slot change from the GUI or SMS from a working SIM to choose the TM SIM the router just reverts back to my other SIM(non TM) every time.

0 votes
by anonymous


Could you tell me if you still have the same issues with this FW version ? You can download it from here

Also at this stage it is needed to scan for operators and connection to one of them manually.


I had to use another router to finish the job... I will try in a couple of months with another TM sim card and your router.

Thanks for now, I will keep you informed
by anonymous
Thanks a lot.