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447 views 5 comments
by anonymous

I'm having trouble with my RUT950MG1290 in japan with a Docomo carrier.

It is registering, but no data connection. It has 3G connection. I had initially tried the wizard, then a few manual config changes with the APN.

I have a few troubleshoot logs that I can provide.

If I can get a response from a rep that would be appreciated.


1 Answer

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by anonymous

If it's registering to the operator and you don't get data connection even with APN - you got to make sure it's the right one and that operator really accepted you from their side.

In this case, I would suggest you trying other SIMs and the same Docomo SIM on the other devices.

If other SIMs will work fine on RUT950 - it means there's something with the operator that you'll have to manage.

by anonymous

Thanks for the response. I tried a few of the listed APNs while I had time. Do you think it's worth trying all of it? and would I need to reboot each time.

Do you mind having a look at some of the troubleshoot logs?

by anonymous
You can attach a troubleshoot file if you want, maybe I'll find something internally, but I'm pretty sure that you first need to ask your operator what APN they use and are you allowed to use it.

by anonymous
By Operator do you mean the telco company (i.e. Docomo)?

Is it safe to attach troubleshoot log on here?
by anonymous
I would hide it instantly when I get my hands on it. But for security measures, you can send it to me via private message.

And yes, I meant Docomo.
by anonymous
Thanks ErnestasB.

I upgraded the firmware to the latest, and then started trying each of the APNs in the dropdown menu. worked!

Not sure if the firmware helped.

At least in this case, a Docomo SIM worked on a Teltonika using APN.