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425 views 4 comments
by anonymous

If I connect a Power fail detection circuit (to be defined) to the 1-6 contacts of the RUT955, do you think that the device could have the time to send a sms (input configuration > digital > input open).

If not, what could be a best approach ?

Thank you,

1 Answer

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by anonymous
You would require an auto failover power supply (battery for example) to able to garantee notifcation of power failure event
Best answer
by anonymous
A powerbank between the AC voltage source and the RUT955 ?

Do you have examples of realization for the RUT955 ?
by anonymous
I use this power supply (POWER SUPPLY MEAN WELL SCP50 / 12 12V 3.6A) which supports a battery and has an output to monitor the absence of electricity and go to monitor it with the input of the power socket (pin 3)
by anonymous

Does this PSU charge a lithium battery for example?

Thanks C

by anonymous
This power supply is made to charge the classic lead buffer batteries used in anti-theft and security systems.

I only found this model, at least in Italy via ebay