Upgraded firmware, default to manufacturer defaults, power cycle modem. Restore config from another RUT950 (both are M02 & Fw 06.07.5). Create user default, green banner saying created but the created time/date does not update. Also the Dynamic DNS does not update. This issue first noted with firmware upgrade to 6.7.5
Found the only way to recover was to reset to manufacturers defaults, power cycle modem then manually set up every setting. Backup config and then tried to re-install the backup config and it has the same issues with not creating a user default config and Dynamic DNS not updating.
Reset modem to manufacturers defaults, power cycle modem and manually enter every setting. The Dynamic DNS and Create user defaults all work fine.
There is something wrong in the firmware RUT9XX_R_00.06.07.5. which causes these issues.
Would greatly appreciate some assistance as I have five RUT950 M02 modems to setup and if the restore config worked all I need to do is to change the Dynamic DNS hostname and passwords. To enter every firewall settings, etc it does take hours per modem.