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by anonymous
Despite setting the durations to a date 3 months in the future when generating RMS Connect links, they appear to stop working unpredictably.  I haven't found a pattern yet but it is happening to all of our modems.  This creates an issue for us since we need them to access our devices sitting behind the modems.

We create two links per RUT955 modem.  An SSH link and a HTTP link. As I understand the functionality, the links for both should stay working until the date I set for the duration and then disappear.  Every time someone tells me a link doesn't work anymore I go into RMS and the link is no longer there so I create a new one then it works again for an unpredictable period of time.

Why is this happening?  Is anyone else having this same problem?

1 Answer

0 votes
by anonymous

Could you provide more information regarding your issue, for example, your RMS company name and at least one serial number of the device that is used to generate links. Have you noticed any patterns with this behavior, for example, does the link expire if you change something in the router configuration or if you run out of RMS connect data? Could you provide exact times when you set the link and when it expired?

by anonymous
Responded via private message with the requested info.
by anonymous
10 out of the 12 RMC Connect links we use were gone when needed this morning.  I am keeping a log now of when we notice this and need to recreate them.  I sent all serial numbers to you via private message.

None of the devices lost power since the last links were created.  No modem settings were changed.  Only two of the modems briefly lost connectivity.

I don't have a way to know when the links go away.  I only know when we discover it by trying to use them.

Any progress on this investigation?
by anonymous

What I have found out right now is that there were some updates regarding link creation. Have you noticed any more random disappearances?

by anonymous
Yes, this continues to happen.  There is now a "reconnect" button on the connection unsuccessful page that is presented when we attempt to use an HTTP link that has disappeared.  Clicking it seems to restore the link, although I am unsure for how long.  This is a useful workaround but does not solve the problem for SSH, or really even HTTP.  

It has been 19 days since I reported the problem.  Communication has been poor.  Do you have a root cause and estimated date this will be fixed?  Is there a better channel for me to engage with Teltonika on this?
by anonymous

The RnD team has forwarded information on why your links could disappear so suddenly. Basically, it happens when the connection between RMS connect and the router disappears. That can be caused by unstable internet in RUT device, changed IP address, reboot, and so on.
by anonymous
Is there any plan to fix this?  What you describe are things that very typically happen with modems.  That said, we can eliminate rebooting, and I believe changing IP addresses since we have seen the links disappear very quickly after creating them, in our case.  We also have an alert on signal loss and can confirm that the links disappear during periods when the signal is not lost.
by anonymous
I'm experiencing the same situation for RUT240.

I'm interested if there is a solution to this problem (I perfectly understand why this occurs), otherwise RMS Connect has no use for end user, because someone needs to monitor the link and renew it when it's needed, then send it to multiple persons that need it.