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by anonymous

Test setup with RS232 to fetch modbus data via serial. 
Data sent on to server via http with 'Data To Server' setup. 

I noticed at several occations that fetching of data on the serial line stops.
I had to make some adjustments in the 'Modbus Serial Master' conf. to get it working again.

I noticed that when having serial fecthing active, fetching stops after a while if GPS time sync. is activated from NTP.
I saw once that there was a one hour jump in time for a short while and I guess the 'Modbus Serial Master' doesn't like it?

So to recreate:

1) Setup/Start 'Modbus Serial Master'
2) Setup/Start 'Data To Server' -> Data sent ok
3) Activate with GPS time sync from NTP meny with short interval, 30 min -> Fetching serial data stops after a while (I guess at time sync.).

I have latest FW: TRB2_R_00.02.06.1

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Is it happening with one or all your devices have the same behavior?

Did you restore your device to default settings to avoid any other configuration can be affecting this feature?

If it's happening with more than one device, also you made these tests restoring to default settings and still happening, I'll try to recreate the issue.

Please let me know.

by anonymous
I have only one device for test.

No, I did not restore it to default settings, why should I?

It is a fault, I think you should fix it as it is. For now I remove time sync. and use only NTP.
by anonymous

If you made some configurations before to use these features, we recommend to restore to default settings and set up again to avoid any configuration from customer side than can be affecting the device behavior.

I'll try to reproduce the same issue with my own device and will send my feedback.

by anonymous

I did test with RUTX11, using a modbus TCP slave and I didn't get the same issue. (FW should be similar)

In my case the device is working as expected. I also reported your case, as soon as I get a feedback I'll let you know.

Please let us know if after a factory restore, the device maintains the same issue.
