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305 views 3 comments
by anonymous

Hey Guys

We use RUT240 across the country and they move from state to state quite a bit. This means the RUT is going between timezones and some states are affected by DST.

Do the RUT's detect their locale time via the cellular tower it connects to and adjusts its time?

I have also enabled the NTP server on the RUT. How would i get the camera to get NTP from the RUT? as the Cameras asks for a server address

I have attached images to help

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Yes, RUT240 should set its timezone according to cellular tower, but there's an option missing in WebUI, which I already reported to RnD.

As for RUT240 acting as NTP server - you can use its local IP or public IP (if the SIM has the public IP). Local IP will work only if camera is connected to RUT240 by LAN, and Public IP should work in any case as NTP server should open the ports itself.

by anonymous
Thanks for the reply.

Does the port remain as "123" for NTP..?

the version FW i'm using is 00.01.13, will updating the missing WebUI issue?
by anonymous
Yes, the port remains 123.

The missing WebUI feature will only be in 7.1 or 7.2 firmware update (depending on other priorities of issues).

by anonymous
7.1/7.2 is in regards to a 955 isnt it?, the unit in question is a 240........Your comment about setting the timezone according to cellular towers was tested and has failed to work accross any of our systems. We have a anotehr support ticket raised ( however we have had no answers or fixes applied.

We have some pretty annoyed clients right now and since this was raised on August 17, which was nearly 3 months ago, we have been provided with no answers or fixes. The support provided has been not existent.