Thanks for contacting TELTONIKA | Crowd-support forum.
Please provide us with RMS-connection state from device's WebUI.
In order to check RMS-connection state, go to SERVICES > CLOUD SOLUTIONS > RMS.
Make sure all fields are filled in correctly as shown below and then click the ‘connect’ button.
- Connection type: Enabled
- Hostname: rms.teltonika.lt
- Port: 15009
More information can be found here.
In case above does not work, next suggestion would be to remove and re-add your device from RMS by using the right MAC address & Serial Number.
In order to remove your device, go to the RMS web page, left sidebar panel, (MANAGEMENT → DEVICES), select the targeted device and move your mouse pointer to the DEVICE menu and click (Unregister device → CONFIRM).
After remove your device from RMS, you can re-add your device easily by following instructions in the link below.
If any further assistance is needed with this case, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,