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+1 vote
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by anonymous
How can I move a device from company A to company B from the RMS portal. The option seems to be absent in the RMS portal.

If this is not possible, can I safely unregister en add the device again without the need to a have physical/remote access to the device?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous

Thank you for your question.

At the moment we don't have a function to move a device from one company to another company. If you want to move a device to the other company you will need to unregister that device from your RMS and then register it to the other company.

To unregister the device you don't need to have remote or physical access, for adding the device to the other company you will need the device's Serial number, LAN MAC or IMEI (depends on device type).

Let me know if you need further help.

Kind regards,

by anonymous

What is the answer to this question?

  1. Device is correctly added to RMS acct for company A.
  2. Device is NOT un-registered from Company A
  3. Device re-appears and Company B tries to add same device to Company B RMS acct
Will the device be successfuly added for Company B?
by anonymous

Just answered my own question

This could be a problem ... if Company A cannot or will not un-register the device

  •  Device with serial 11171xxxxx from entry number 1 already exists.
by anonymous

As you've already figured out, if you do not fully unregister the device from company A then you will not be able to add that device to company B and you will get an error message that the device is already added.

Let me know if you need further help.

Kind regards,

by anonymous

It would seem to me this is a flaw in the system.

There could be many valid reasons why Company A may not be able to login to RMS (e.g. Admin leaves the company - with the RMS password, and his email password) and delete the device from RMS.

Seems logical that if a device is factory reset, and then an attempt made to register under a new RMS acct (Possibly still Company A ... with a new Admin and new RMS password), then  RMS

  • Removes the device from the original RMS acct
  • Adds the device to the new MS acct
by anonymous
No, it isn't a flaw in the system. If your described changes to the RMS device management would be implemented, then anyone who can access or knows your router Serial number and LAN MAC Address could remove that router from the owner's RMS account and add it to its own account without any problems. That could cause security problems.
by anonymous

Agree - that opens a new security issue, but the current system is still flawed.

How does a customer solve this problem?

  1. Device successfuly registered with RMS by an admin.
  2. RMS acct login known by one person: the admin
  3. The admin person dies
  4. New admin hired
  5. New admin opens new RMS acct
  6. How does new admin register the device?
by anonymous
I agree with you on this point, but these examples don't happen often and there are password recovery options for that.

The thing is that RMS works like this and arguing with each other to prove our points not gonna change that.

Let me know if you need additional help.

Kind regards,

by anonymous


" there are password recovery options for that."
If nobody can access the old admin's email, this method will fail (or should).

Consider this more complete model as implemented by Ubiquiti in their UISP model

Old Admin

  • Creates a UISP acct
  • Creates a new 'key'. I suspect this is a public key, with the private key kept in the UISP server
  • Registers device with UISP by logging in and entering the key. Note - admin must have access to the device to do this
  • Dies

New Admin

  • Creates a new UISP acct
  • Creates a new 'key'. 
  • Factory resets the device
  • Registers device with UISP  by logging in and entering the key.. Admin must have access to the device to do this
  • Success

This model solves these issues

  • New admin does not need old admin login details for RMS
  • New admin does not need access to the old admin's email acct
  • Having the MAC and SERIAL of the device is NOT sufficient to register it with the server

Please see this as constructive feedback.

by anonymous
Thank you for your insights and suggestion.
by anonymous
I agree current system could use some improvement. I came here also searching for a way to simply "move" a device in RMS to a sub-level company. I was shocked that such a simple function is not implemented. Unregister/re-register could easily lead to mistakes.
by anonymous
Today I have to move half a dozen devices to a sub-company.

Has anything changed with the process? Any way to do it more safely or more easily?