Hi Flebourse,
I succeeded in reproducing your query scenario; please try the steps below to know if this works for you as well:
1. On the NO-IP webpage, create your hostname, select AAAA record, IPv4 address: "" and IPv6 address: "::"
2. Disable any VPN you may have activated on your laptop, and check if your current DNS address resolves your DNS lookup. You should see an output like this:
If you don’t get any output on your laptop, replace your current DNS addresses provided by your ISP with the google ipv4 and ipv6 DNS addresses accordingly.
3. Copy and paste this script on your router:
Suggested PATH: /root/scripts/getwanip.sh
. /lib/functions/network.sh
network_find_wan6 NET_IF6
network_get_ipaddr6 NET_ADDR6 "${NET_IF6}"
echo "${NET_ADDR6}"
Don’t forget to give the script execution privileges:
chmod +x /root/scripts/getwanip.sh
4. Enable the DDNS service on your router according to the link below:
In the event network field, select the interface with the ipv6 address enabled. And fill the other fields in line with your information.
5. By doing a DNS lookup, check if the ipv6 address record was updated. Also, check your no-ip.com dashboard. You should get something like the images in the following url:
6. Enter your domain name in your browser. (Remember to allow external connection to your router and to have a valid IPv6 address on your laptop to check this feature)
Refer to the link below to test your ipv6 connectivity on your laptop:
If you have a VPN service enabled on your laptop, you may not reach your router WebUI by just typing the domain name on your web browser; instead, you should enter the full ipv6 address between brackets e.g.: https://[2001:AAAA:BBBB:CCCC::0001].
For more information about the DDNS service package installed on your router, refer to:
I really hope this helps to solve your query.