I've got an RUT240 running RUT2_R_00.07.02.2 that has one small issue: In the GUI I can set LTE band selection to "Manual", choose the desired band ("B12"), and then click "Save & Apply" but that doesn't seem to alter the band configuration on the Quectel modem. I verified the band setting on the Quectel modem inside the RUT240 with this command in an ssh session:
root@Teltonika-RUT240:~# gsmctl -A AT+QCFG=\"band\"
+QCFG: "band",0x26f,0x80a,0x0
The value 0x80a translates to 0x800 + 0x8 + 0x2 where 0x800 is "LTE Band 12", 0x8 is "LTE Band 4", and 0x2 is "LTE Band 2". That value should be 0x800 (only "LTE Band 12")
Has anyone else encountered this issue where choosing or locking a band in the GUI does not alter the corresponding setting in the Quectel modem?
I tried to manually select the desired band from my ssh session but that command was refused:
root@Teltonika-RUT240:~# gsmctl -A AT+QCFG=\"band\",0,800,0
+CME ERROR: operation not allowed
Thank you in advance,