Hello guys,
After I checked back, looked at the results with another software and not just the "TEST" button on the WebUI, it sure seems that the byte order should be 3412. However, in the WebUI the 1234 order seems to be the correct choice to get the values.
Thank you guys for noticing this, I will forward this to our RnD department.
What have I looked at:
In the WebUI I set up to read latitude register 144 and 2 regs read, float order 1234, I press test I see the 25.260, which is my latitude for sure,
Then I loaded up this software called GModbus, read the same 144 and 2 regs, got CDF641CA as the hex string, put it up for the hex converted which conveniently shows every possible combination and I see that yes, the 25.260 value is and Mid-Little Endian 3412.
That's why I seemed to have missed the truth