No, they do not need to be the same name. When you created your WWAN network you set the networks name. It can be named anything you want to suit your preferences. Here is a step by step that may work for your setup.
Create a Network for Wireless as WAN by going to WEBUI-Network-Wireless and choose Scan.
Choose the Wireless network you will connect to.
A Wireless Network Configuration window will appear.
Choose a name for network you are creating that suits your Preferences. Click submit
My example reflects WWAN_Camp1
Make sure to set the MODE tab to “CLIENT” and by the NETWORK tab select the network you created “WWAN_Camp1”
click Save and Apply.
Go to WEBUI-Network-Interfaces the WWAN interface should reflect the name of the Network you created. The 2 examples I have shows as WWAN_C… for WWAN_Camp1 and WWAN_H… and WWAN_Home. You will notice WWAN_C… shows as stopped and does not have an IP Address.
To enable WWAN_Camp1, I will need to disable the WWAN_Home network. Go to WEBUI-Network-Wireless click the off button by the network I connected to for WWAN_Home. Click Save and Apply
You can then go to WEBUI-Network-Interfaces and make sure the WWAN_Camp has received an IP Address and shows as active.