Can you please check if the RMS monitoring service for the device is enabled in RMS?
For this, login to your RMS account on the RMS webpage and navigate to Services -> Management -> Toggle monitoring slider to 'ON' for the device. This will enable monitoring for that particular device.
Do you see the device in the RMS Dashboard? (Management -> Devices). What is the status of the device?
When it comes to enabling RMS, there are three main steps:
- Add your devices to the RMS platform. Instructions are available HERE.(Video available HERE.) Skip if your device is already added.
- Enable RMS on the device. For this, connect to the WebUI of the device and navigate to Services -> Cloud solutions -> RMS -> RMS Settings -> Connection type: choose Enabled -> click Save & Apply.
- Enable device monitoring via RMS in Services -> Management -> Monitoring.
These are the main steps.
If everything is configured and monitoring is enabled, but you cannot monitor your device via RMS, there might be other issues that need investigation.
Let me know if these steps helped and then we can proceed with the investigation further if needed.
Kind Regards,