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by anonymous

I am attempting to build the latest firmware using the SDK for the RUT955 router. I am using the following the wiki instructions but running into issues with the build:

I am using the ubuntu 18.04.6:

SDK version: RUT9_R_00.07.03

Both gnutls & classpath fail with error.

Also is there a location to download the previous sdk? R_00.07.02.07

I would like to see if this builds without error.

by anonymous
I am building custom firmware for a large fleet of RUT955, based on official openwrt 22.03.2.  Which is _completely_ open source, contains newer kernel and newer packages. Build environments on ubuntu 20. /22.

1 Answer

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by anonymous

Ubuntu 18.04 is somewhat old, use 20.04 instead as recommended in the README. Fedora 37 will do also.

by anonymous

I have used Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS as well with the same result:

$make V=sc package/feeds/packages/gnutls/{clean,compile}

checking for NETTLE... no
configure: error: 

  *** Libnettle 3.6 was not found.
make[2]: *** [Makefile:266: /home/xxx/rut_9_r/rutos-ath79-rut9-gpl/build_dir/target-mips_24kc_musl/gnutls-3.7.1/.configured_70d3667d3c7cecccd4deeac7992a318e] Error 1
by anonymous
Have you executed "sudo apt install ..." as documented in the README ? The build works for me using a Fedora 37.
by anonymous
Try sudo apt install nettle.
by anonymous
Yes, the dependencies have been installed.

nettle-dev has also been installed.

As is stands this doesnt build on ubuntu as instructed by the readme.
by anonymous
Can you do a:

make -k V=sc 2>&1 | tee makelog.txt

and post the makelog somewhere ?
by anonymous

Sure no problem. I'll do the build again and provide the log.

I have also tried on Fedora 37 and run into the same issues with classpath, ninja and gnutls

Even the make script fails to proceed on the prereq dependency checks for python3.6 (python 3.11 installed). Had to use this as a fix:

by anonymous

ubuntu failed for a different reason today. Here is the requested log:

by anonymous
Fedora 37: the 'which' alias isn't parsed correctly, delete it with 'unset which'. Then you won't need to use FORCE=1. Restart from scratch but extract the archive with tar xovf ... to avoid permission issues.

Ubuntu: The log shows that the nettle package is missing or not found, and a dependancy error in snmptrap.
by anonymous

I have continued to try and make this work but it doesn't work yet. I have found building with multiple processes causes inconsistent build failures. 

Fedora 37: unset which didn't seem to fix the prerequisite checks. This is the new fedora build log (fails on busybox package):

Ubuntu: I cannot install nettle-dev because it says 3.7  version is already installed.

by anonymous

Fedora37: the busybox package compilation completed successfully, the real errors occur before. Look at 'error:' in the trace to see them all.

The machine lack several packages (classpath ...), here is the list of packages I have on mine: 

You have also seveal download failures, is your connection and /or dns stable ?

by anonymous

For the dependancy issue: edit packages/network/services/net-snmp/Makefile, set:



and retry.
by anonymous

Thank for the guidance on the errors. I have managed to resolve most of the package errors - they were related to python2 being used instead of python3 and java needing installation: java-1.8.0-open 7 & jdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-

I tried to edit the packages/network/services/net-snmp/Makefile, but the PKG_VERSION and PKG_HASH were already correct.

I am still getting the following error:

Package snmptrap is missing dependencies for the following libraries:

Any guide on how to resolve this?

by anonymous

snmptrap is in binary form only it contains an internal reference to no way to change that ...

What is the output of:

find . -name '*' -print

on your PC ? I have:


I have noticed that there is a new 7.03.1 SDK available. Will try soon.

by anonymous

find . -name '*' -print


























by anonymous
So you have two libnetsnmp versions on the system. Why is another question.

Try the following:

rm -rf build_dir/target-mips_24kc_musl/net-snmp-5.8

rm -rf tmp

make menuconfig (exit and save don't change anything)

make pakage/teltonika/snmptrap/compile

If this works finish with a make.
by anonymous
The 07.03.1 version compiles without a glitch just discard the which alias.
by anonymous

I tried the steps outlined on version 7_3_1. the snmptrap issue is gone but now there are other issues:

by anonymous
Two packages at least are missing on the system. Do:

sudo dnf install curl libffi-devel

and restart several errors should disappear.
by anonymous
by anonymous

I have found this error in the log:

[mktplinkfw] *** error: images are too big by 2663250 bytes

Everthing before looks correct so there may be remnants of previous failed builds in the tree.

Try a make clean, and rebuild.