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658 views 7 comments
by anonymous
I am trying to setup the RUT240 with this online mqtt broker.

I cannot get it to connect via TLS - no messages appear on the broker.

Other devices can connect via TLS without providing a cert.

Any help please.

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

There does seem to be issues with MQTT via TLS. It is being investigated.

Could you downgrade to 7.2.7 firmware version and check if the same behavior exists there as well?

Best regards,
by anonymous
Problem is quite simple.

bridge_cafile, bridge_certfile and bridge_keyfile lines on /tmp/mosquitto.conf are missing even if you upload certificates on /etc/vuci-uploads by webui.

Add these lines and launch manually mosquitto.
by anonymous
On previous firmwares, (00.07.02) there is no problem because we can have only one bridge on broker config.

Now with multiples instances, the filename for certificate must be managed correctly to avoid mix between bridges.
by anonymous
I am now on RUT2_R_00.07.02.7 as per your advice

I have installed mqtt package and set up the publisher section.

I still get no mqtt messages showing on my broker from the Teltonika.
There is nothing shown in the logs to help me? Should I be looking somewhere else.

I have MQTT broker on the Teltonika switched off. Do I need to use bridging?
by anonymous
One other thing, Hivemq cloud needs TLS SNI support.Is this included with Teltonika?
by anonymous


I have the same problem with AWS MQTT server. all is configured but no message seems to transmit.

As proposed, I downgraded to RUT2_R_00.07.02.7 but MQTT seems to be incompatible.

by anonymous


Could you please check example below on configuring MQTT data sending to AWS?

Best regards,

+1 vote
by anonymous
I had a long fight with this also and finaly go the data to server feature working using Lets encrypt root certificate:

Now I'm stuck in getting mqtt gateway to work. Here is my post regarding that:
by anonymous
Thanks for the reply. Good to know I am not alone.

I am pretty sure I tried that root cert unless the one I used was somehow different.

To be honest I have now given up with this idea as the implementation is way more complicated than it should be on Teltonika.