Dear all,
I'm experiencing higher than forecasted data traffic due to RMS being active.
I'm testing a RUT240 unit with firmware RUT2_R_00.07.03.
I have set up RMS to have a dynamic update period of 60 minutes and static update period of 5 days.
The estimated monthly data usage is 153.69KB download and 364.13KB upload, for a combined total of 517.82KB/month.
Nonetheless precisely every 60 seconds, a connection is established to with 0.22KB data exchange. This is visible in the Status > Real Time Data > Connections page
This leads to a data consumption of 9504KB/month, 18 times more than the forecast.
I tried to change the Dynamic monitoring to 120 minutes, but the data consumption is still the same.
I'm about to deploy 40 RUT240 units to the field and we would like to use 5MB/month data plan.
My application uses around 2.5MB/month.
Approx. 915KB/month will be used by Auto Reboot ping every 15 minutes.
That leaves approx. 1.5MB/month for RMS.
Is RMS forecast wrong or is there anything is not working as intended?
If you need to obtain Serial number of the test unit or other personal data, please send private message.
With regards