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by anonymous
I'm experiencing some issue that couldn't be resolved with load balancing here :

I decided onreverting back to failover and only SIM1 running. But I'm now wondering if I can route SIM1 to one SSID and and SIM2 to another SSID so that I can have some sort of load balancing by manually connecting people between the two SIMs.

Is that something RUTX12 can do ?

Thanks for your help !

1 Answer

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by anonymous


It is possible to configure 2 wireless access point instances, where one instance will use the main WAN and the other access point instance will use a different WAN. For this, you can create a separate routing table.

First, you need to create a new Wireless instance (in Network -> Wireless) and assign it to a new network. Instead of 'lan' network, select custom and enter the name of your network. For example, 'lan2'.

This will also create a new interface. Select protocol as static and enter the IP address of your new interface to be in a different subnet from your main. For example, Setup DHCP server as well.

Then, navigate to Network -> Routing -> Advanced static routes.

Create a new table. Under static IPv4 routes, select the interface to be your SIM2 (mob2s1a1 in case of RUTX12). Set both, target and netmask to ''.

Save & Apply.

On the same advanced static routes page, create a new routing rule for IPv4.

Select 'lan2' as the incoming interface, the source subnet of your lan2 network ( in this example) and select your new table as a lookup table.

With this configuration, devices that connect to the second access point will receive an IP address from the network and will use the new routing table, which has a SIM2 interface as a default route.

Kind Regards,
