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by anonymous
On my LAN interfaces, I've noticed that I'm no longer able to add multiple IP's with option 6 under DHCP Advanced Settings.  I was able to do this under versions prior to 7.03.  When it was working, I was able to add multiple IP's in the,, format.  On the newer firmware's it's throwing a cannot write configuration error and only accepting the first IP in the range that was entered.

Anybody else seeing this?
by anonymous

I'm using the latest  RUTX_R_00.07.04 and tried this and it didn't take either. I've got multiple option 6's in there but I generally do one per line and can confirm that works.

1 Answer

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by anonymous



It seems like this is only a bug in the visual representation in the WebUI, as multiple DNS servers get pushed when using multiple IPs in one option (e.g. 6,,,

However, it seems like the DNS servers not shown in the WebUI need to be removed using the command line. To change an already existing DHCP entry, use these commands:

uci set dhcp.lan.dhcp_option='6,,,'

uci commit dhcp

/etc/init.d/dhcp restart

Then, either renew the DHCP lease on your devices or simply reboot the router. Command /etc/init.d/network restart should also work.

As for using separate lines for each DHCP option, I don't believe this should work but I will ask the RnD team.

This bug will be reported to our RnD, thank you for letting us know!


Best regards,