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+4 votes
329 views 5 comments
by anonymous
Hi I have just logged into our RMS and it is not showing any information it is also saying that we do not have any devices added. yet we have 14 devices on this account.
by anonymous
I have the same problem,

The error should mean our devices are still there, RMS just cannot fetch the list. Hopefully someone is fixing it at Teltonika!
by anonymous
i confirm! i dont see my device!!

Please give us a feedback when the problem restored
by anonymous
I have the same problem. When I log in, there is no longer a device.

What can I do now?
by anonymous
have the same issue. just need some patience probably.
by anonymous
Had the same issue, devices are visible again now.

6 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
RMS should be recovering now.
There was an update being implemented, though the service should be accessible again.
If you notice any issues, please let us know.
Apologies for the inconveniences caused.
Best regards,
Best answer
+1 vote
by anonymous
Yes I just queried one of the routers by SMS " rms_status" and it returned that it is connected to RMS despite not being able to see it. I just hope this is not going to become a regular issue as that is 2 issues in the space of a month now.
0 votes
by anonymous
IT is fine if Teltonika are having issues but they need to improve getting information out to users that there is an issue with the service.  All they have to do is have a banner at the top of the RMS with service status and maybe a post on here would solve a lot of message flooding in.
+2 votes
by anonymous
just got my devices back
0 votes
by anonymous
Hi all,
Have the same issue. No devices on my board.
+2 votes
by anonymous
Mine have just come back