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by anonymous

I've really tried to go with Teltonika Solutions... but every 1 to 2 days, routers get disconnected from RMS VPN... We reboot they get back online and disconnected again. I can't access it from the WebGui. I've to go onsite (1h road) and reset the routers.

I've been traveling from site to site trying to find why loosing hours every week... Teltonika router seems unreliable. I can't find any reason, I'm about to return all 12 routers purchased this month and install the old router that was working for 2 years without any issue.

Help me to find out what's happening.
by anonymous

I still have trouble with one device daily disconnect and a reboot is required. I've attached the troubleshoot file "troubleshoot-Islet-PP2-2023-04-25.tar.gz".
by anonymous


Further troubleshooting is being done via private messages.


Best regards,

1 Answer

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by anonymous


I would suspect that the device has issues with internet connectivity, which I assume, is mobile rather than RMS itself.

Have you checked, before rebooting the device, whether it has access to the internet, before rebooting?

If it is indeed mobile connection, does your plan include sending SMS messages? Some monitoring and control could be done by sending a couple of SMS:

  • To return mobile data status: 
    • <router's_password> status
  • To restart the router:
    • <router's_password> reboot

Also, is the device using the latest firmware version?

Is the issue related to all 12 routers or a single/few devices only?

Lastly, if the issue would occur again and you were on site, before restarting the router, I would like you to download and attach a troubleshoot file to your question. To generate the file, access router's WebUI, go to System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot section and download troubleshoot file from there. The logs in the file might provide more insight into the issue.

Best regards,

by anonymous

Everything works for 2 years. I've replaced the Tosibox router with a RUT240 with the latest firmware 7.04.1 reusing the same Telus IOT SIM cards and same external antenna. If the internet is the issue, the problem is your internal modem or router.

Unfortunately, I'm the guys who disable every unused feature for safety. I've turned off all SMS features.

'We tested them a full week at the office since Teltonika is a new product for us. There was no issue at all at the office. The only difference is the use of Mobile instead of a wired WAN of the office.

We installed 5 devices at clients pumping station the 2023-04-05. We had a problem with 4 devices out of 5 installed.

The 2023-04-07 I went on site because 2 devices (site 1 and site 2) were disconnected from the VPN. We couldn't see the device on the RMS platform. Arrived on site, the router looks normal, no flashing light, mobile signal is 3 bars... I logged in and everything looks normal. Rebooting doesn't do anything, so I loaded back the backup configuration. Both device went back online.

During the night, exactly at 1h00 p.m. two other devices disconnect from RMS and the VPN (site 3 and site 5). The client reboots them. After a reboot device goes online for 50 seconds and goes back offline. The client pushes the reset button 8 seconds to load back the saved configuration. Site #5 goes back online but nothing with site #3.

I have to go back to the client site this week... I'll download troubleshoot files from site #3 before reloading the backup.

I'll attached configuration backup and troubleshoot file from my 2023-04-07 visit at site #2.
by anonymous

The logs from the attached troubleshoot file from site #2 have numerous LAN port state changes, happening few seconds apart:

Port link state of port LAN1 changed to DOWN
Port link state of port LAN1 changed to UP
Port speed for port LAN1 changed to 100 baseT

Similar behavior on this device was last seen on 04-11 13:42:23.

What exactly is connected to the RUT device? This could indicate hardware issues.

For additional troubleshooting, could you download TCPdump from router's WebUI Services -> Package manager -> Packages and enable TCP dump monitoring in System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot page specifying br-lan (lan) interface? Then, download this file and attach it by editing your question.

There also appears to be some mobile issues on 04-07, as the signal strength was quite poor and there appears to be a missing data point, though, I assume, this is where a reboot happened.

RMS logs also indicate that at that time, before the reboot, router was connected to a 3G network. I see SIM card configuration changes and assume this change was intentional?

Was the router reachable, when connected to 3G? 

Also, modem's firmware is quite old. An update can be attempted, if there are mobile related issues, though troubleshoot file does not indicate that. I could send you the instructions.

Lastly, during the disconnection state, was the router on RMS shown offline, or simply WebUI/CLI links generated from RMS did not work?

Also, if the device on site 3 is Islet_PP3, it had poor mobile signal (reference here):

Best regards,

by anonymous



The device behind the RUT240 is an OMRON CP1H PLC with some know connexion problem, but it should not make the RUT240 disconnect from the RMS VPN. These PLC is retarded. They have a maximum of 2 TCP connexion and never cleared connexion after a communication lost. When a small communication lost occur, the SCADA jump to the second allowed connexion. When another communication lost occur, the SCADA tried to reconnect but all connexion is in used. The communication lost can be caused by a mobile signal lost or VPN connection lost. A watchdog will restart the PLC ethernet card which releases all connexions.

3G Signal

I set initially the mobile interface to used 3G signal. Normally 3G signal is stronger and since we only pull low data like 10kylobyte every 60 seconds. We can deal with 3G signal without any problem. When I change the mobile signal to auto, the signal strength was a little bit better. I leaved the signal in auto.  I'm still thinking of forcing back to 3G mode. Yes, the router was reachable in 3G.

Modem firmeware

Yes please, can you provide an modem firmware update procedure ?


When disconnected, the RMS monitoring sees the device offline. We don't see anything on the platform. The other router as worked fine with poor signals. We have several other sites with 100-110DBm. The router must reconnect automatically to the VPN server every communication lost.  I'll move the external antenna outside the stainless steel panel later today when I'll be able to go to the site.  I'll also gather the troubleshoot files before any programing or reboot.

by anonymous
Sent you modem update instructions in a private message.
by anonymous


I'm half faulty for the problem... I've configured in the mobile interface a data limit of 1Go/month with an SMS alert at 450mo/month. 

  1. There's no any notification in the RUT interface that's the limit is reached, since Having 500mo/month data plan without having blown up the limit within the last years I didn't suspect that.
  2. I've never received the SMS alert. The Teltonika support discovers that I've only a Telus IOT data plan which SMS aren't included.
  3. The mobile interface shown 2go read and 2go send data. I think the calculation is bad. The monthly report from the mobile distributor shown 535mo last month. The RMS platform report has shown also data usage lower that 2Go...
When I arrived on site, I've tested to ping from the CLI interface and it failed. I've disabled the data limit and the ping pass. The VPN connect and things worked. 
I think the data limit was the problem which blocks internet. When the client pushes the reset button, it probably resets the data counter for a while.
Teltonika should have an indicator on the Web GUI that the limit is reached and double check if the data usage counter is good.
I've attached the troubleshoot file made before any changes. I'll keep an eye daily on the connexion.