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by anonymous
After i updated my rut241 to firmware i have problems with google on my android phone, tablet and tv.

My 4g connection is fine and i have no problem with things that are not related to google, like my security camera.

Gmail or YouTube doesn't work or other apps from googleplay.

For example, when i open the Netflixapp there is an errorcode that says internet is connected but no connection to Netflixserver. Same if i try to search for phoneupdates, no connection to server.

I have tried to go back to older firmware. With it's the same problem.

With it works fine again.

But i want to solve this problem and be able to upgrade to the latest firmware.

My knowledge of these things are at minimum. Is there maybe something in the firewall in the newest firmware that are blocking googleservers??

1 Answer

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by anonymous


Could you confirm whether you are currently using a mobile connection? If so, please navigate to the Network -> Interfaces and then edit the Mob1s1a1 interface. Within the advanced settings tab, try lowering the MTU to either 1400 or 1440.

Additionally, please check if software flow offloading is disabled/enabled in the Network -> Firewall.

If the issue persists, please provide two troubleshoot files. Generate the first file when the connection is functioning correctly on version 7.03.4. Then, generate the second troubleshoot file from version 7.04.2, specifically when the issue occurs. Then, attach both files by editing your question. The attached files will only be visible to Teltonika moderators.

Kind Regards,


by anonymous
Hello and thank you for answer.

Yes i have a good 4g connection. And the router is used only as a wifi router to connect phone, tablet, tv and securitycamera.

I tried lowering the MTU, still not working.

Software flow offloading is enabled. Tried disabled, still not working.

I downgraded firmware to 7.03.4, and it is working fine with google and downloaded a troubleshootfile. That is no1 file edited in to my question.

Then firmware 7.04.2, google not working. File no2.

The router are used in Sweden, i don't know if that info is relevant.
by anonymous


It seems that most of the configurations are identical. However, I have noticed that on the 7.3.4 version, your mobile interface has an MTU of 1358. Could you try changing MTU on 7.4.2 to 1340 and/or 1358/1360?

Also, make sure that you update the firmware with 'keep settings' turned off. Thus, I suggest downloading a backup before updating so that you can revert back if that does not help.

Please, let me know how it goes.

Kind Regards,


by anonymous

Yes I updated with keep settings turned off.

I changed the MTU to 1340 and now the googleapps working again yessmiley

But there is another problem.

It works fine for a while but after some time the tablet loses internet. The wifi is connected but no internet.

When I disable and then enable the wifi on the tablet I can't connect to the router anymore.

Only solution is to reboot router by power off. This was happening several times.

A new troubleshootfile is uploaded to my question. The file was created directly after one of the reboots.

by anonymous

It seems that the router was up for ~3 minutes and the file does not contain any relevant information regarding the disconnected WiFi users or anything like that. Would it be possible for you to leave the router running for longer and then generate a troubleshoot file after the issue occurs again? This way logs may indicate why the tablet is disconnected.

Additionally, I noticed that there was only one DHCP lease when the troubleshoot file was downloaded. Is this lease associated with the tablet in question? Did the tablet experience any issues when using version 7.3.4 of the software?

Also, what about other devices? Are they working fine?

Kind Regards,

by anonymous

A new troubleshootfile is made like you said, after some time, the issue occurred and router rebooted.

That is correct it's only one DHCP lease in the troubleshootfile, it's the same in the new file. And that is the tablet.

Yes it was the same problem with version 7.3.4, I was hoping it would work correct after updating. I also had the same problem with another tablet. The two tablets are different manufacturers but both are android.

The other devices also disconnect, but it seems to happen to the tablets more often.

When several devices are connected at the same time, all of them disconnect.

When I use my phone as a hotspot (router) everything works perfect. It's the same mobile operator in the phone SIM card as in the router SIM.

But when I try the phone SIM in the router the problem is back.

I have had contact with the seller, and they sent me a new RUT241. So this is the second router with the same problem.
by anonymous


Thanks for the information.

Apologies for any confusion. The logs are stored in the RAM memory and they are all lost once you reboot the device. So, could you please download troubleshoot file after the issue has occurred but before you reboot the router. Thanks.

Kind Regards,


by anonymous
No worries

The problem is that I can't connect to the router when the problem occurs.

I have to reboot to be able to connect again.

But I will try tonight after work to produce a new file without rebooting
by anonymous


If you are unable to access the device after the issue occurs, you can follow these steps:

  • Navigate to System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot.
  • Change the logging settings to save logs in the flash memory. This will ensure that the logs persist even after a reboot. Please note that saving logs to flash memory may reduce its lifetime.
  • Whenever the issue occurs, reboot the router.
  • After rebooting, download a troubleshoot file.
  • Change the settings again to save logs to RAM.

Kind Regards,


by anonymous
Hi again,

There's a new troubleshootfile saved from the flash memory.

I borrowed a Huawei router and a SIM card from another operator today.

First I tried the borrowed SIM in my router, same problem occurred.

Then my SIM in the other router, worked perfect no problems at all
by anonymous


The logs from flash memory have limitations. Based on these logs, I've observed occasional mobile disconnects and frequent WiFi disconnects. However, there is no information on why does this happen. I noticed that you have tried a different SIM (Telia network), but there is no indication of any mobile connectivity issues during that time. The recent logs show more information. From them it seems that the mobile interface is up, it receives and IP address, and the pings are successful. Additionally, the signal strength is good.

So I am not even sure if this is related to WiFi or mobile connection, especially since you cannot access the device after this (maybe both?). Have you tried to access the device via ethernet cable after the issue occurs? If possible, logs from RAM would provide more information.

Could you try the following:

  • Navigate to Services -> Auto Reboot -> Ping/Wget reboot -> edit the existing rule. Within the settings, select action to be 'Modem reboot' and enable the rule. Save & Apply.
  • In Network -> Wireless -> Edit WiFi instance -> Advanced settings disable 'Disassociate On Low Acknowledgement'.

Let me know if this improved the situation.

Kind Regards,


by anonymous

Sorry I don't have a computer, so I can't access via ethernet.

It didn't make any difference to change settings to auto reboot modem reboot and disassociate on low acknowledgment

When I tried the Telia SIM and wifi had disconnected I rebooted and then changed settings to flash memory storage before I changed SIM to mine,  if I remember correctly. It probably wasn't enough time to create problems.

After I changed storage settings and SIM to mine I started to streaming video on the tablet, to provoke the problem.

The thing is if I start up the tablet and connect to wifi and do things like checking email and open websites usually doesn't create problems.

It's when I start to do "heavy" things, like downloading files or streaming videos the problems begin.

For example today, when I started up the tablet. I checked my email, did some online banking and opened some websites for probably 30 minutes. But when I opened google play and started updating apps, it disconnected after 30 seconds.

But after rebooting I was able to update the apps.

The strange thing is that it seems to work much better with my TV when I'm streaming. Even if there's problems from time to time, it doesn't occur as frequently.
by anonymous
Hi again.

Yesterday I noticed that there was a new fw update available (07.04.3), so I installed it.

Now its working much better.

Actually there where no problems at all yesterday, and I thought the problem was solved.

But today there has been some issues again.

The good news is that it still runs better than before. And when the internet disconnect, it's reconnecting again after a short while.

So now I'm able to log in to the router after the problem occurred.

So there is a new troubleshootfile in the question, downloaded from the the RAM after a disconnection.

I discovered another thing. I have never reflected over this before so I don't know if this appeared with the new fw, or if it has been like this all the time.  When I log in to the router and navigate to Status > Overview and check Local Device Time it shows the correct time.

When I navigate to Status > System and check Local Device Time it shows wrong time, 2 hours before correct time.

Device time is set to the right timezone (Swedish). But the system shows two different times. Could this create problems? If so how do I correct this in settings?
by anonymous


There is a known issue related to the displayed device time, as one of them does not account for the timezone. This should be fixed in the future. However, this issue should not impact the device's operation.

After reviewing the logs, there are no indications of any issues or disconnections from the mobile network or Wi-Fi. The signal strength and quality appear to be satisfactory as well. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the exact cause of the problem. Although the end devices can switch from Wi-Fi to mobile data when there is no internet connectivity via WiFi. 

When the disconnection occurs, it would be helpful to check if the RUT device has internet connectivity. You can do this by going to the System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot page and performing a ping test to or another server.

Also, could you try installing 7.02.9 firmware and see if the situation is improved? The firmware can be downloaded from here.

Kind Regards,


by anonymous

I'm starting to suspect that there is something wrong with my tablet.

After some investigation on Internet it seems like there's more people than me having problems. For example tablet working fine with hotspot from the phone but not a router.

If the tablets wifi is broken it must be very bad luck, because if that is the case it's the second tablet with wifi problems for me, that's why it thought it was a router problem.

So now I'm going to return the tablet for service and hope the problems are over.

Thank you for the help, and you did solve the "Googleproblem" (the MTU)
by anonymous


Not sure, but it may be the tablet as there is not much in the logs.

I would, however, suggest experimenting with different WiFi settings on the RUT to see if it helps to improve the situation. Specifically, you can try adjusting general WiFi settings such as channels, width, disabling legacy rates, etc. You can find more detailed information about these options here.

Kind Regards,


by anonymous
Hi I'm back.

Still having the same problem, sometimes issue occurs wifi connected but no Internet.

Tablet has been for service twice and they can't find anything wrong, it works perfect in their network.

I have been experimenting with different settings in both the router and the tablet, and still haven't solve the issue.

The problem is that I don't know if the issue is in the tablet or router. Because other devices connected to the router is working perfect. Only when the tablet is connected at the same time as other devices and the issue occur the other devices also disconnect all at the same time.

But the tablet works perfect in other networks. This makes me crazy.

Also there is no consistency when the problem occurs, sometimes there's no issues for hours, and the next day it isn't working even a minute.

Also sometimes it reconnect automatically, sometimes the tablet can't find the network after switching wifi off/on after issue occurred and I have to reboot router, sometimes tablet can se network again but not connect because of authentication problem and I have to reboot router.

Any ideas what to do??!!
by anonymous


Could you try to increase the 'DTIM Interval' value, for example, to 10 in the WiFi settings? This change can be beneficial if the tablet goes into sleep mode or if it misses some multicast/broadcast messages.

Additionally, you can try increasing the 'station inactivity limit' to a higher value, like 900. This will help prevent the device from disconnecting too quickly when it's inactive for a longer period. With a higher inactivity limit, the device will stay connected for a longer time without any interruptions.

Also, have you tried to enable 'Disable inactivity polling' and disable 'Disassociate On Low Acknowledgement' in WiFi configurations?

Kind Regards,

by anonymous
Hi and thank you for all the help, really appreciate it.

I have already tried all these settings but DTIM interval, will try that when I get back my tablet.

Because I talked to the tablet dealership today again. They are very helpful, and really want to solve this. They also think that this issue is really mysterious, because other devices works fine. To be 100% sure there's no problems with the tablet we decided to send it to another service shop.

So I'm getting back my tablet probably next week.