UPDATE: Read last comment :)
I've encountered an issue with my TCR100 following its recent update from version to The device is no longer booting up as expected; the globe and signal icons remain in a perpetual flashing state.
I've attempted a reset, but unfortunately, it seems to have no effect - holding down the reset button doesn't change the outcome. On a slightly positive note, the device does appear to enter bootloader mode, and I've used this to attempt a flash back to the previous 07.02 version. However, this hasn't resolved the issue, and the aforementioned behaviour persists.
Once the device does boot up, it produces a new WiFi network named "UNKNOWN_0000", which doesn't require a password. Yet, this network does not seem to support DHCP.
I've tried a wired approach as well; connecting via an Ethernet cable allows me to access the web GUI ( However, I'm unable to log in using either my old password or the default one listed on the bottom of the device.
As for the warranty, I'm fairly certain it's no longer valid, as I've previously opened the device (with plans to add external antennas for WiFi in the future, given the u.fl sockets on the board).
Any guidance or solutions to these issues would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!