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by anonymous
I have the RUTX11 set to use the 4G / LTE SIM for Fail-Over only but in the last 3 weeks its using 100 MB (50 up and 50 down)?

I replaced an RUT950 with this RUTX11 and never saw the 950 use any data... how to I fix this on the X11?

by anonymous

Same result. As soon as I turned on Failover it started doing pings and using data. If you're engineers can't remote in to debug this and fix it the send me a new unit and lets see if you have a defect in your hardware

If all the settings are correct and your engineers cant figure this out then send me a new unit and I'll test it.

I've spent a TON of my time and I cant use this device as it was designed. Clearly there is a major bug with 4G Failover there is not with 3G.

by anonymous

Kindly share with me your Anydesk ID in these said timings. Dubai Time around 3:00PM-4:00PM (GST)

by anonymous
@mellow - Sent you a private message to discuss remote access
by anonymous
Kindly check my response


by anonymous
Hi what was your fix for this as i  just think i got over a wifi issue but then noticed a few kb flowing through rx/tx in the interface tab for the sim card slot when not in failover to the sim? I thought the solution was in the advanced tab for the sim where i switched off "bring up on boot" thinking from the terminology used for bring up on boot it would mean on reboot the init would keep the sim powered but do nothing with the data until the failover kicked in . This didnt seen to be the case in rx/tx status a few kb of data was still seen flowing on reboot.

Now that wouldnt be a big issue with my current test sim as its totally unlimited .And some providers will actually switch off sim  / not roll over data etc  is unused for few months , forcing you to use pings . However for the final deployment of the router i may have to use a pay as you go sim with non of those terms  ,i.e in total reserve i.e nothing used from data until required or i decide to ping the sim manually . Im running the latest firmware on both os and modem so i dont believe that in itself will be the fix , Can you please share your fix . Thanks

3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
Fix = factory reset and flash back to Firmware RUTX_R_00.02.05.2

... since doing that its been working perfectly for months.  Recent firmware releases have ton of bugs which many people have documented (4G usage, UI freezing, setting not saved, etc)
Best answer
0 votes
by anonymous


For the failover issue you are having with RUTX11 could you try configuring the flush connection settings? You can do it by navigating to Network > Failover edit the rules of mobile and wan.

So that where there is a failover happening all the devices that is currently connected will be also refreshed.

Kindly let me know the results


by anonymous

I set it to Flush on both Connect and Disconnect. As you can see on the attached screenshot, the mobile data use decreased, but still exists? I have not had any WAN Failover events and the connection and network logs are empty (I also have event reporting to send SMS, not received any SMS at all) ... I dont understand why we see any data use at all? Are the keep alive traffic (pings, etc) using that much data?

 I just realized Traffic Logging was not on, so I just set it on to see if that will capture it.

by anonymous


May I know what is your failover set up?  If you are doing the setup where the Main source of internet is Wired Network and backup is Mobile network it should be like this:


by anonymous

failover and recent usage screenshots attached

Failover Config

Mobile Usage screenshot

by anonymous


Regarding the issue, you are having could you re-flash the firmware via the bootloader menu. 

You can do so by following the steps in this link: RUTX11 Device Recovery Options - Teltonika Networks Wiki (

If the issue still persists let me know. 


by anonymous

I flashed the fw using bootloader... and it seemed to work, not sure so I tried again I cant get back into the bootloader after 10 attempts I gave up on the 2nd flash.

Take a look at the traffic screenshot below :: looks like a pattern? 
.... I had mobile config set to 4G only -- so I changed to AUTO (as a test) and it connected at 3G and stopped using data.

Maybe this is a firmware bug when set to 4G?

by anonymous

Could you send me a copy of the troubleshoot file of the said RUTX11?

by anonymous

this link has the file.

Also ... since I put it on Auto, it has not used any mobile data but Status is "3G (WCDMA)" and Operator state is "Searching" so not sure its working proper?

by anonymous

Based on the troubleshoot file you sent the device is not able to register to the network so no network connectivity via SIM Card. Kindly check if both mobile antennae are connected to the device. Also, I am testing it with my RUTX11 on my side if the same issue will occur with you.

I will let you know once my testing is done I will just observe if there is mobile data usage after a day.

by anonymous


This is my initial test using the failover feature:

Everything is working fine for my side but I will leave the router open for a day and see tomorrow if there is data usage from the sim card today the data usage is: 82.71MB 


by anonymous

to be clear, the issue is not about Failover... the RUTx11 is using 4G traffic/data when not failed over.  Tshoot file ...

Should it not simply 'register' on 4G and stay Disconnected until a failover occurs? 

No matter what I set -- IF it registers on 4G it Connects and uses data even (when not in failover!)
-- must be a bug, yes? 

Some testing I did...

"AUTO" also registers on AT&T
Forcing to T-Mobile does register but still Connects and uses data
Both always show as roaming.

Often it connects to 4G for few minutes (and eats some data) then change to Searching and connect to 3G and stay there unless I reboot or change a setting.

Changing settings...

1. Result = 4G, Connected, T-Mobile, Registered (roaming)  **data transfers

  • Manually set APN (no authentication)
  • turned OFF Deny Data Roaming
  • set Service Mode to 4G (band selection = Auto) 

2. Result = 4G, Connected T-Mobile, Registered (roaming)    **data transfers

  • changed :: Service Mode to AUTO
  • rebooted (unplugged power)

3. Result = Disconnected & "Searching", 'State' loops between 3G<->4G constantly, AT&T

  • changed :: turned ON Deny Data Roaming

4. Result = 3G, Disconnected, T-Mobile

  • changed :: set Operators to Manual and selected T-Mobile (same as what it selects when in Auto during Test 1 & 2)

 5. Result = 4G, Disconnected, Operator = N/A, Operator State = Unregistered

  • changed :: turned OFF Deny Data Roaming
  • changed :: Service Mode changed to 4G (LTE) Only

 6. Result = 4G, Disconnected, Operator = N/A, Operator State = Unregistered

  • changed :: turned ON Deny Data Roaming

 7. Result = 3G, Disconnected, T-Mobile, Registered (roaming)

  • changed :: Service mode = Auto

 8. Result = 4G, Connected, T-Mobile, Registered (roaming)    **data transfers

  • changed :: turned OFF Deny Data Roaming
by anonymous


First of all the issue, your device is using data when it shouldn't when you are on a Wired network not on Mobile data. 

Here is the result for mine: 

There is a 4.23MB usage I will check this with HQ and see what may be the cause for this one. 


by anonymous

Regarding this issue of yours would it be possible to leave the device turned on for around 6-7 hours and get a copy of the TCP Dump file for analysis.  

Looking forward to receiving the said file.

by anonymous


Now it will not connect to 4G if I try to force it to. In AUTO it connects to 3G and does not use data but nothing I do gets 4G to connect, only shows 'searching' with Deny Roaming On or Off, and forcing Service Mode to 4G

this graph shows when it was connecting to 4G and using data, then it changed to only connecting to 3G and not using data...

by anonymous

Regarding your issue, it is best to do a firmware re-flash via the bootloader menu and check it again. Is this sim card used in roaming or no? Kindly make sure both mobile antennae are connected to the device and you have good signal quality from your Mobile ISP provider.

As mentioned once connected try to to make the device run for 5-6hours and get a copy of the TCP Dump file and share it with me for analysis.

0 votes
by anonymous

I did a complete factory reset on the RUTX11, then flashed the new .07 Firmware

Then I ONLY changed I made was to add firewall rules to pass though needed traffic and Failover enabled... NOTHING else.

Now 4G LTE always show CONNECTED (tried Service Mode in Auto and 4G Only) even when not failed over. And there is traffic flow.

I went to get you a TCP Dump -- setting No Longer Exists! (see screenshot)

From the last screenshot of the Traffic, you can see a CLEAR pattern. Looks like a ping or something constantly going. I suspect it does when 'Connected' and detecting for a working connection? But the problem seems that it should not be Connected when not in Failover. Arg.

by anonymous


You need to install the TCPDump package in the Package manager (Services > Package Manager) in order for it to appear in the System > Troubleshoot. 


by anonymous
OK, installed. set the Interface to "mob1s1a1". Will post file here in the morning... 4G is using a lot of data!
by anonymous

Thank you forwarded the tcpdump file to our HQ for analysis.

by anonymous

More info for you, and new dump files attached.

I changed the ping time from 3 to 5 seconds and now I'm 100% sure the traffic is the ping. You can see on the graphs the distance between the spikes is wider than on the prior screenshot.

When I disable mobile under Failover menu (usage chart attached) no traffic is used, at all... but the mobile SIM stays in the 'Connected' state.

The issue is clearly that Failover is not working properly in this .07 FW or prior one at least. Thus, when NOT in Failover it keeps the mobile SIM 'Connected' when it should be 'Disconnected', and thus the traffic are pings that should happen ONLY when Connected in Failover.

by anonymous

As of now, I have shared this information with our HQ for analysis.

