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2,784 views 15 comments
by anonymous

Hi. I´m trying to upgrade my RUT950 FW version: RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.3 to  the newest RUT9_R_00.07.00 firmware.

I receive the message:

Firmware upgrade - verification failed

This device's provisioning doesn't allow it to be upgraded to a firmware version newer than RUT9_R_00.07.00

Ensure to get a correct firmware image and try to upgrade again.

This is the Device Information:

Product code: RUT950MG1XXX

Batch number: 0060

Hardware revision: 1307

Any ideas about how solve this problem?.


by anonymous
I am also having problem upgrade my RUT950 have you found a fix yet

by anonymous
I had the same problem on a RUT955 but the suggested solution worked for me.
by anonymous


Same issue

MIne is a RU955 Hardware revision1307 and Firmware version RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.3

When trying to load vs RUT9_R_00.07.00_WEBUI.bin returns a fail:

Firmware upgrade - verification failed

This device's provisioning doesn't allow it to be upgraded to a firmware version newer than RUT9_R_00.07.00
Ensure to get a correct firmware image and try to upgrade again.

Any fix available?


PD the proposed solution  of reinstalling the previous FW before doesn't run to me

by anonymous

I found this

*RUTOS 7.0 shall be supported by all but following legacy-design RUT950 and RUT955 devices: RUT950 *G1*** and RUT955 *7V*** respectively.

by anonymous
I guess that makes my RUT955 *7V*** end-of-life?
by anonymous
End Of Life

Mines not that old not good enough Teltonika will defiantly not happy

Will be complaining to my reseller
by anonymous

I'm keen to use the new RutOS. My device is neither RUT950 *G1*** nor RUT955 *7V*** but I nevertheless get the "verification failed" message when running and trying to upgrade to 00.07.00. 

My details:

Product code RUT9501010N0

Batch number 0014

Hardware revision 0202

FWIW, I've tried with "Keep all settings" unchecked. Also downloading 00.07.00 to a file first.

Any suggestions? Or is there a third exclusion to add to the "legacy design" list?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by anonymous

I had the same problem yesterday on a RUT955. Try updating to the latest factory firmware before migrating to firmware 00.07.00.

This worked for me
by anonymous
Hello, thanks for your suggestion!

My RUT950 already have the latest factory firmware (RUT950 FW version: RUT9XX_R_00.06.08.3) so don´t work for my, but thanks for trying to help!
by anonymous
Has not worked for me on my RUT950
by anonymous
Did the same, still no joy! Bugger
by anonymous
It was working for me ! Good job!

I believe you need to download the version that is right now on the web...don t use one that is already in your computer !
by anonymous
Can confirm, works this way! Thank you!
0 votes
by anonymous
Dam my 950 is G1 wonder if it’s hardware related or be fixed later

by anonymous
Mine also 950-G1, bought 2 and half years ago (found the receipt). Is it really end of life or will there be (security) firmware updates?
by anonymous
Not looking good no news so guess it’s buy a new one “not happy”