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+1 vote
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by anonymous
Hi there

I have configuration of 2 LTE SIM cards. I would like to use 2 specific LAN IP's that get internet from SIM2, and the rest to get internet access from SIM1.

The other thing that I need is that if one SIM loose access, the other one steps in (failover), and when the connection is restored, the routing is again returned back the way it was.

Is this doable on RUTX12? I can not find GUI interface that would allow me to do this, like routing specific IP to specific SIM.

PS - I only have one physical LAN port connected to switch (LAN1). Should I connect 2 and use every physical one as VLAN?
by anonymous
I have somehow managed to do that with 2 LAN's, first 192.168.0.x and second 192.168.1.x... But the problem is I use DHCP on both LAN's, but how do I tell windows machine to which LAN (and to which internet SIM) do I want to connect? Using DHCP always uses LAN, not LAN2, using static IP for ex. says unknown network.

I don't know so much about networks... How do I use 2 LAN's with different subnets and select which computer I want to connect to each of the LAN's?

I would rather +have only one LAN (192.168.0.x) and just route 2 IP's to the SIM2 and the rest to SIM1, is that possible to achieve?
by anonymous
I have managed to use 2 network cables and put one in LAN1 and one in LAN2 port to make 2 VLAN's...

It seems to bi kind of working... But when I start the computer that is on LAN2 and connect it to the network, the machine in LAN1 and LAN2 kind of loose packages, why? I am loosing packages pinging and on overall, browsing internet has lags, it is not working OK :-(

In the logs, nothing seems wrong...
by anonymous
I have 2 LTE SIM cards and nobody knows if there is an option to route 2 IP's on the LAN over card2 and the rest over card1?

Isn't this something basic a router/modem should be able to achieve?

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
This is the solution for single LAN wanting to use one or more IP's to access Internet using SIM2 and the rest using SIM1:
Best answer
0 votes
by anonymous

Thank you for contacting.

For now we only have this feature ion Rutx12 , where we can use both the sim cards at the same time.

In other devices it is possible between different WAN sources like sim (1 or 2 one at a time) , Wired WAN and Wireless WAN but now sim1 and sim2 .

by anonymous
I have rutx12, but I still don't know how to use it.
by anonymous


Yes its possible to split between different networks. 

You can refer to this case , that is similar .

I hope it helps. 


by anonymous
The case you mention, doesn't work for me... Is there nobody that can help me configure 2 SIM's so that few IP's go over one SIM and the rest go over another? Using other routers in the past, this was a simple thing to achieve, Teltonika made it really hard...