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by anonymous

My ISP is Zen Internet who supplied a  a Fritzbox 7530 router for an FTTP connection rated at 900Mbps.

The Fritzbox can achieve the full bandwidth however the RUTX10 can only manage 250/mbps.

Interestingly the maximum upload speed allowed by the ISP is 100Mbps which the RUTX can achieve.  

The figures quoted are from and

The RUTX Interface General Settings are

Protocol: PPPoE

  • PAP/CHAP username: myuser
  • PAP/CHAP password: mypass
  • Access Concentrator: auto
  • Service Name: auto

The Advanced Settings are

  • Use builtin IPv6-management: on
  • Force link: off
  • Obtain IPv6-Address: automatic
  • Use default gateway: on
  • Use gateway metric: 2
  • Use custom DNS servers: blank
  • VLAN tag value: blank
  • VLAN priority: blank
  • LCP echo failure threshold: blank
  • LCP echo interval: blank
  • Host-Uniq tag content: blank
  • Inactivity timeout: blank
  • Override MTU: 1492
  • IP4table: blank

I followed the Netgear Ping Test to determine Optimal MTU Size on Router

The result is 1464 + 28 = 1492.  This matches the 1492 value shown by Zen in one of their tutorials to configure an ASUS router.  I set Override MTUto 1492 in Advanced Settings

The RUTX router is running the latest firmware version RUTX_R_00.07.02.7.

I exported a System > Administration: Troubleshoot dump but don't know how to interpret the details. So now I'm unsure what to investigate next.

Can anyone suggest what might be the cause of the vastly lower speed achieved by the RUTX?



by anonymous

Update - thanks to the answer here I discovered the Software flow offloading toggle switch under Network > Firewall: General Settings.

With this enabled speeds have doubled to 500Mbps down.

Can anyone suggest any further settings that can be adjusted to further increase the download speed?

I saw another forum post that suggested the physical maximum achievable by the RUTX11 is ~700Mbps.

Can anyone suggest what I need to adjust to achieve this speed please?


by anonymous

Update #2 - Running a speed test from the Google Nest Hub (because it's hard wired rather than wifi) shows CPU use peaks at ~25%.

I guess this means 1 of the 4 CPU cores is maxed out meaning the issue is a PPPoE single thread performance limitation on the RUTOS firmware?
Is there another setting I can adjust to reduce CPU use in order to increase data throughput to achieve speeds closer to the ISP provided 900Mbps?
Or can anyone direct me to details of how to configure the Fritzbox to feed the Teltonika and avoid the perils of double NATting and other such issues I'm vaguely aware exist but don't fully understand?

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

~700Mbps is likely the maximum bandwidth that can be achieved over PPPoE link at the moment.

The issue has been reported and it being worked on. Some improvements are planned to be implemented in future firmware releases, specifically 7.3 and 7.4.

Best regards,
Best answer
by anonymous
The ~500Mbps my RUTX10 achieves is a bit short of the current ~700Mbps firmware limitation.

Is there anything else I can look at to try to get closer to 700?  The only settings I remember updating from the factory are a few port forwarding rules and enabling masquerading and mss clamping on the WAN Zone.
0 votes
by anonymous

Current router in my home network is older Linksys LRT214 gigabit router. Nominal speed should be 1000/500M. When using the LRT214 measured real speed is about 920/530M. When replacing the LRT214 with Teltonika RUTX10 router using exactly the same cables and connectors, measured real speed is about 630/400M. I am using CAT6 cables, so this is not a wireless connection. LRT214 supports 1000 Base-TX (IEEE 802.3ab/TIA/EIA854). I'm not sure if the speed difference due to this or should i choose some other Teltonika model to reach the same speed in CAT6-wired network? Or something wrong with the settings? In any case, i have similar observations about the network speed.

BR Tom
by anonymous
I've not read anything further about the RUTX limitation that caps real world performance at ~700Mbps since starting the thread, the engineers may have made progress.

Instead of waiting to find out if a resolution would be rolled out I went the DIY route and built a router to run OPNsense in a chassis similar to the Protectlii vaults.  It's basically a heatsink with an Intel 12th gen i7 CPU, 256mb NVMe SSD and 16gb RAM.

Complete overkill but it achieves full bandwidth with only 2%CPU utilisation.

Would still prefer to have had a RUTX50 with 4g/5g capability and able to utilise the full PPPoE bandwidth though.
by anonymous

Have you checked, if enabling Software flow offloading in WebUI Network -> Firewall -> General settings improves your situation?

Best regards,