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by anonymous


For quite some time i have issues with a RUT955 and i'm about to replace the device with another brand. 
I'm desparate to have someone assist me in troubleshooting  and resolving the issues.
Please see as well:

I followed the recommendations of the tech assist and upgraded to latest firmware, did a factory reset and resettled all settings.


The symptoms i have currently are: 

The device appears offline in RMS, and on the device itselves it is showing in tab Cloud Solutions RMS Connection state: Failure (other error)

 The device does not respond on SMS or Calls to have status updates or remote initiated reboots. When connected to the local network(lan) i have access to the device, and to internet. In RMS the device is still not online. 
Also the VPN connection at this moment is not functional (and this is critical in my application)
. To (temporary )recover this situation i need to do a reboot, and this can only be done locally. When i check the metrics on RMS, it shows more offline than online.

The affected RUT955 has several services running: ModbusTCP slave, NMEA frowarding over TCP. It has 1 SIM card installed. The device is part of a remote PLC setup. 
I already enabled Auto-reboot, but this is not improving the issues and for proper operation of my PLC setup( which is collecting the NMEA data) this is not a preferred solution. 

Attached are 2 troubleshooting files. 

I really want to be in contact to sort this issue out, as for the moment the device is not suiting my needs. 

Please contact me asap. 

Kind regards,

Ivan U.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by anonymous

It appears that there is a memory leak, associated with MODBUS daemon, which eventually results in issues communicating with the modem.

This is a known issue. I will consult the developers, if there is a test firmware available and send it to you to check, if solution in it is enough to resolve the issue.

Best regards,
Best answer
by anonymous
Thanks for your fast reply! I'm awaiting the next step in the process.
by anonymous

The MODBUS issue I have mentioned, is resolved in 7.4.2 firmware. You can download it here

It will probably be a hassle, but I would like you to update with Keep settings option set to off, and reconfigure the device after update. Also, enable logging to flash memory in router's WebUI System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot page, in case new firmware would not resolve anything. Leave the device running for 12 - 24 hours, and, if issues still persist, attach a new file.

Best regards,

by anonymous
Hello ,

Thanks for your swift reply, I performed the actions you listed, upgraded to 7.4.2  with keep settings OFF, and reconfigured the device. The logging is set to Flash memory.

Do you have the release notes available for this version? online i cant find them yet.

I will keep you updated on the next 24hrs / days.

Kind regards,

by anonymous

The firmware page with change log has been just updated.

by anonymous

Small status update: The device did not fail untill now.
Do you want some files or extra data for internal review? Please inform me how to share this.
Tomorrow i will update you again.


by anonymous
If you do not intend to restart the device until tomorrow, generate the file tomorrow, to have logs with longer monitoring history. Send it in a private message or edit your original question to attach it.

Best regards,
by anonymous

The problem is resolved. The device is working well!
I sent the file by PM, just as follow up on your part.
Once more: Thanks for your great help!

Ivan U.