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+2 votes
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Provider Telstra Australia, APN telstra internet IP4 address is 10.92. Etc. wanting to utilise IPv6. So unticked use ipv4 only. In administration ticked ipv6 support. In wan information at first states gathering ipv6 information but none is provided. Test on test your ipv6 site comes back with ip4 only. If same test is done with iPad on 4g telstra.internet I get a ipv6. Any ideas as to why this is occurring ?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by anonymous

Please provide a product code of that device with which you encounter this issue.
Rut995 I am running the latest firmware as well
by anonymous

Can you please provide product code of the device? So we could know what LTE module it is using.

Hi the product code is RUT955M7VXXX




Hi the product code is RUT955M7VXXX



by anonymous


Thank you for your time, attaching latest TEST FW for IPV6 support. Please test it and provide a feedback for us.

by anonymous

Great but question is whether this special firmware release has been updated along with the latest regular firmware update without NAT64? When can we expect that NAT64 will be incorporated into the regular firmware?

by anonymous
Hello Olofsson,

Have you tested provided TEST FW?

Is everything working regarding IPv6 and NAT64? If so could you please provide a feedback?

IPv6 should come with the next RUT9 master FW which can be found -
by anonymous
Thanks for fast reply! Honestly, I haven't been brave enough to test the FW with IPv6 which is bad since I do need it. The reason is that the router is in a remote location and any malfunction would make me having to travel some 500+ km to be close to it. So, sorry to say, I cannot give any feedback up to now. I run it with two different SIM cards from two different mobile companies. One has a public Ip address for IPv4 but the backup one doesn't (but that one give out IPv6 so therefore this feature would help me a lot).

So, apologies for awaiting the new FW. Overall the RUT 955 works really well! So many great features.
The latest firmware release as of 15/11/19 does not mention Ipv6. I have also attempted to find an ipv6 address but I have not been able to do so. Any ideas when it will be released?



The product code is RUT955M7VXXX



by anonymous
Hello Scott,

Have you try using provided TEST FW by me on September 9?

It has IPv6 support, please test it and provide me with the feedback.
Last night I installed the test firmware as suggested above, it did provide me with an IPV6 address and I was able to confirm this via a website "whats my I.P.

The following errors were found on the gui

Status- Data Connection - Disconnected, I.P address - N/A

Wan - IPV6 interface - Mobile, IPV6 Address- Undefined

Topology- Lan Link Down, Internet offline.

Hope this is of some help



Its the same as above


by anonymous
Hello Scott,

Thank you very much for the feedback.

We will check where the issue might be.
Looking forward to official firmware with IPv6 including NAT4 so IPv4 addresses can be used on the local LAN side and IPv6 on the WAN (ISP) side – since my local equipment cannot use IPv6 (not all of them).
Seems a few of us are looking forward to it but when is it likely to be added?
by anonymous

Currently we do not have time lead when we can expect IPv6 with master FW, bus as soon as we have some infomration we will inform you in this post.
I have waited this feature for 2 years now, but now I have to admit that there will never be anything official and working, regarding the IPv6
This is March 2020. We must have IPv6 now. With NAT64. Please help us Vytautas.
by anonymous
We bought two RUTX11 thinking we could use it with IPv6 over mobile (LTE) but it is not working. That is the only way to get fixed IP addresses over mobile connections. Any idea?
by anonymous
Hello everyone,

It seems that IPv6 WAN support should come with upcoming RUTOS 2.3 firmware which is planned to be released in upcoming weeks. So I recommend keeping your eyes on our WiKi page for the new firmware for the RUTX device.

Is there any schedule to provide same ipv6 WAN features for RUT240?

Current RUT240 version is 1.12.3 and change log does not indicate similar features as RUTX11 change log.
by anonymous
I have tried all I can think of, but I can't get the RUT955 to get a public IPv6 on the WAN interface. I have even debugged it using tcpdump in CLI. I can clearly see that the IPv6 Rotuer Solicitation packets and the IPv6 DHCPv6 packets are sent to the respective multicast groups. But I don't get any response back. Maybe blocked in firewall?

I have IPv6 enabled and disabled "ipv4 only" on WAN interface.

I have had IPv6 enabled on the same SIM-card using an integrated LTE modem in my laptop. So it should work.
by anonymous

Hello everyone,

Everyone who are interested in mobile IPv6 support, please try following TEST  firmwares and provide feedback. If you encounter any issues related to IPv6, please contact me via PM, provide information regarding what issue you encountered and please provide troubleshoot file (System -> Administration -> Troubleshoot) when issue persist.

RUT2XX TEST firmware:

RUT9XX TEST firmware:

Under Nerwork -> Mobile -> General you should be able to select internet protocol version, so simply change from IPv4 to IPv6 and RUT should receive IPv6 IP address from mobile ISP.

by anonymous
My concern with that version of firmware is that the version number seams to be much older than the one I am already running. Should I consider the test firmware a large downgrade that will enable IPv6?
by anonymous

What FW version you are using?
by anonymous
by anonymous
Yes, I agree that we cannot downgrade to an older firmware in order to test IPv6. I really expect Teltonika to release a fully tested firmware with IPv6 and NAT64 (very important!) in a short period of time – preferably announced. So many mobile internet providers do not give public IP on IPv4 but they do support IPv6 so then we need IPv6 on our Teltonika routers sooner than later!
by anonymous

Martinb, you can download a backup file from your RUT9 series devices (System -> Administration -> Backup) and then you can try testing our TEST firmware for IPv6 support. Once you test it you can go back to RUT9XX_R_00.06.06.1 and upload backup file so that router would be configured to the same level as before.

Magbus Olofsson, thank you for your feedback, Teltonika is always trying to improve and move in with the new and upcoming Networking technologies, and for us feedback from clients are very important. One thing is to test it our RnD department another thing is to let clients to try and helps us to test and improve in certain scenarios.

So I would very much appreciate if you could test and share your experience regarding IPv6 WAN support.

by anonymous
I will test the firmware. My router is at home and not part of any "production" network. So for me it's not a problem to follow your suggested scenario. I will report back if I find anything strange or not working.

Hopefully soon we all can have a production ready IPv6 firmware update.
by anonymous
I am currently running the test firmware that you suggested. I can confirm that I got a working global IPv6 address from my mobile operator (3 SE). One thing I noticed is that I can only choose from either IPv4 or IPv6 in this version. So no dual stack.
by anonymous
Hello martingb,

Thank you very much for the feedback I forwarded it to our RnD department.

Regarding dual stack, as far as I am aware we do not plan this feature, but we will added to our "to do" list.
by anonymous
Correct me if i'm wrong. But to be able to have NAT64, the gateway egress interface need to be dual stack to be able to convert IPv6 to IPv4. I think that NAT64 is an important feature to have.

If it were up to me, the goal should be to have a working dual stack on wan interface. That is important.
by anonymous

Please take care about this feedback :

a working dual stack IPv4/IPv6 on WAN interface is definitely needed.


by anonymous

I would need NAT64. Not dual stack. My local equipment is IPv4 while my internet provider (4G) is IPv6.

"- Dual Stack basically means using ipv4 and ipv6 side by side. You use ipv6 to access ipv6 hosts, ipv4 for ipv4 hosts and you normally give priority to ipv6 if the hosts have both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses. If you use dual stack, you do not need NAT64.

- NAT64 is used to translate from v4 to v6 and vice versa. This is used to access ipv4 only hosts from ipv6 only hosts and vice versa."

I'm running a RUTX09 with Firmware version RUTX_R_00.02.04.3, at least, is it possible to obtain a IPv4 AND a IPv6 address at the same time (which my DSL ISP does offer) ?

if I setup the wired WAN interface to protocol DHCP, I only got IPv4 OK

if I setup the wired WAN interface to protocol DHCPv6, I only got IPv6 OK

Is it possible to have both ? (Using builtin IPv6-management option = on while protocol = DHCP but I get no IPv6 address)
by anonymous
New firmware version installed (FW ver.: RUT9XX_R_00.06.07) but still no IPv6 on public interface. When will we get IPv6?
0 votes
by anonymous
Thanks Vytautas, however, unfortunately, in my case it is not recommended to test a firmware that is not already tested. When can we have an official firmware with IPv6 and NAT64 for mobile service?
by anonymous
Even though WAN does not have dual stack in the test firmware. LAN is dual stack. So you can have both IPv6 and IPv4 on LAN at the same time. So, if you set the WAN to IPv6 and get the public address. There is a chance that a 1:1 port mapping can work over different address family. If a port on the public IPv6 interface is portmapped to a internal IPv4. I have not tested this or know if this is possible. But I think it should work.

I don't know much about RMS. But I would not go that way if you have much traffic.

Oh, what I just suggested is NAT64 stateless mapping. Didn't know that.
by anonymous
It would be fantastic if I can have IPv6 on WAN and IPv4 on LAN and be able to reach IPv4 devices on LAN and also having these to be able to communicate out to internet (obvious I think since communication must be both ways...). I'm just a power engineer so no expertise in the world of IPv4 and IPv6. My mobile internet provider is not giving out a public IPv4 address so it doesn't work with DDNS.
by anonymous
Have you talked to Tele2? Sometimes they have a different APN that you can use to be able to get a public IP.
by anonymous
Yes, but Tele2 wouldn't get me a public IPv4 address with my present subscription. Then I would have to pay more...
by anonymous
In fact, Tele2 will give me a public IPv4 address but only when I use their router. So with RUT955 I will not. If there would be a way to change the identity of the RUT955 to the one of my old Tele2 router (not in use) it would make it work. But maybe that would be immoral.